Tuesday, October 19, 2010

County Innovation Saddle 17

I'm the sunshine of your life!

What I have found once again is simply divine. I miss the old Zeiten.xD



Having been friends for 10 years, the three members of Muse know one another inside out.  Or they thought they did until they faced our latest fiendish interrogation technique…


MUSE’S collective bottom is sunk into low comfy upholstery, as they sip coffees and order food at Bartok, a stylish and mood-lit watering hole on Camden’s Chalk Farm Road which was graciously opened especially for the occasion. Back in blighty after a short touring stint in the US, a passer by glancing inside on this bright but brisk November afternoon would hardly suspect by their demeanour, that Messrs Bellamy, Wolstenholme and Howard were soon to play the biggest headline shows of their career at London’s 20,000-capacity Earl’s Court Exhibition Centre. Before lunch arrives, though, the three settle for the task at hand, which is asking each other some fiendish questions. These questions may have been carefully crafted by a top psychologist and designed to skilfully unravel the very hearts and souls of Matt, Dom and Chris. Or then again, they may have been bashed out in haste at the last minute by this very magazine.


Dom and Chris remain relaxed, yet Matt is suddenly chomping at the bit and has to be verbally restrained from dipping into his ‘glass of truth’. “Who wrote these questions?” Matt demands. “Ah, who cares.” He finally shrugs, before any answers are offered. “Who’s first?”


It’s you sir.


Chris : “Matt, Have you ever rejected a song for being too over the top?”

Matt : “(Laughs) No. Never for that reason, no. I still don’t think we’re even touching on the beginning of anything close to what has been done in the past in terms of what is regarded over the top.”


Matt : “If I left the band and you could choose anybody in history to replace me, who would you have?”

Dom : “Jimi Hendrix. Well, he’s Matt’s favourite guitarist, I think. And mine. Plus, he’ll fit into the three-piece vibe. It’d work.”


Dom : “Have you ever spied me doing anything embarrassing, yet spared my blushes by not telling me?”

Matt : “Hmmm, Good question. I’m sure there’s something. Hmmm.”

Dom : “You saw me getting laid once.”

Matt : “That’s true, actually: I came in a room once and filmed him with a night vision camera. Ah, I know – I saw him putting on moisturiser once.”


Chris : “What would you say, if I said I’d invented a Kiss-style image and I wanted to incorporate it onstage?”

Matt : “I’d say, it was about fucking time! (Laughs)About time we took it to the next level, I’d say. I’ve been waiting for one of these two to come up with something; I’d be very happy, yeah. But, I know these two probably wouldn’t go there.”

Chris : “I think I’d probably go there, but I don’t know about Kiss.”


Matt : “What do you think of me getting all the attention and adulation?”

Matt : “I don’t get it all! Bollocks. Bollocks. Bollocks.” (Discards question, chooses new one.)


Matt : “If I wanted to record a solo album, how concerned would you be?”

Chris : “If I could play bass on it, it’d be alright (Laughs).”


Dom : “Which one of us needs to see a shrink and why?”

Matt : “I think we’ve all got hidden agendas. I’ve never seen one, even though my girlfriend is one. Well, not yet professionally, but she probably will be.”


Matt : “If you had to select a fancy dress outfit for me, would you choose batman, superman or wonder woman?”

Chris : “Batman.”

Matt : “That’s dark. I’m not a dark person; I’m the sunshine of your life.”

Dom : “Well, I’d say Wonder Woman.”

Matt : “That’s how he’d want to see me. Ever since I saw him bend over to get an injection in his bum, there’s been a strange energy between us (laughs). There’s definitely suspicion.”


Dom : “What do you get sick of me moaning on about?”

Matt : “Me being late.”

Chris : “Turning the hi-hats up. Silly little things on the drums.”

Matt : “Actually, he doesn’t really moan much, does he?”

Dom : “Really? I thought I was a moaner.”


Chris : “Who’s the worst fighter?”

Matt : “If you’re small like me, you’ve got to do other things. If you don’t have the physical strength, you’ve got to use weapons. It’s not that I fight like a girl, it’s just that I’ll use whatever object is at hand.”

Dom : “I actually think I’m the worst. I smacked one guy in the face once and I thought I looked really hard, and he just turned around, looked at me, and squashed me on the floor in one go. It was quite embarrassing. So, yeah, it’s most likely I’d lose, but I’d go down with my teeth in someone’s leg.”


Matt : “What do you think of my dress sense?”

Dom : “(Laughs) Pretty sharp these days. As opposed to… shiny pants and glitter shirts.”

Matt : “Make-up, shiny trousers. Those were the good ol’ days. I miss all that.”


Dom : “What’s the worst thing about sharing a tour bus with me?”

Matt : “All your faffing around. His electric toothbrush and mouthwash just winds me up. It’s just annoying. For one, it reminds me how unclean I am.”


Chris : “If a spacecraft landed in front of us and a hatch opened up – which of us would be mad enough to go onboard?”

Dom : “I’d be in there.”

Chris : “I’d want to see the beings first.”

Matt : “I wouldn’t go on my own, if I knew we were all going on, I’d be happy to go first.”


Matt : “Do you think I’m a good looking bloke?”

Matt : “That’s ridiculous; I can’t ask a question like that.” (Discards question and chooses new one.)


Matt : “Do you two get recognised much when you’re out shopping?”

Dom : “All the time – they think I’m Matt!”

Matt : “Really?”

Dom : “I actually did get recognised a couple of days ago at HMV in Islington.”

Chris : “I got recognised in Co – Op once. I had to sign a little receipt.”


Chris : “What’s my most annoying habit?”

Matt : “Farting. I can recognise you by your farts by both smell and volume.”

Dom : “If I’m in a hotel room, like two floors above him, I can hear him. I’m like, ‘Jesus’. He’s loud.”


Matt : “If I had a hygiene problem, would you tell me?”

Dom : “I tell you every day (laughs). Get in the shower. Brush your teeth.”

Matt : “That is true, that is true.”


Dom : “Which of us has the best home movie collection?”

Matt : “Chris. He’s got all the Bond films.”

Chris : “On video and DVD. I try to buy about five DVDs a week.”


Chris : “What’s the worst thing about being in Muse?”

Matt : “…”

Chris : “…”

Dom : “…”

Matt : “Our legal bills. The business side. It’s complicated. I wouldn’t wish it on anybody.”


Matt : “Is there any song you hate, or used to hate, playing live?”

Dom : “Err, no.”

Chris : “I used to be uncomfortable with ‘Blackout’, because I never used to play keyboards until that song. They made me learn and I wasn’t really a natural player. I was a bit on edge to start with, but I can play it a lot easier now.”

Matt : “For me it would be a song called ‘Cave’. It was on the first album, but it’s probably the oldest song of anything we ever did. It was a combination of, one, it was old; and two, it had this vocal bit that had a note I had to hold for so long. It was way too long. You get the odd person still call out for it. Hardcore.”


Chris : “Who’s the biggest bitch?”

Dom : “Matt’s the biggest and we’re his bitches.”


Dom : “If a venomous snake bit my arse, would you suck the poison out?”

Matt : “I’d be more than happy to. I have got medical training – I did a first-aid course. I can do resuscitation, mouth-to-mouth, all that kind of thing. If you cut an artery open, I could stop the bleeding; tie a belt around the groin, fucking do it tight and stand on it, and go, ‘SHUT UP!’ Did you know when you see all that thumping of the chest stuff in films, that you can’t actually bring somebody back to life by doing that? All you can do is keep them alive until someone turns up with an electrode. You’re basically pumping the blood around the body to keep them alive; that’s all you’re doing. Drowning is a different matter, if someone’s got loads of water inside their mouth, you can just blow inside their lungs and maybe they’ll be able to cough and splutter it back out again. But, yeah, the venom; I’m not that advanced, but I’d give it a go.”

Dom : “How about if it bit me on my knob?”

Matt : “Then I’d let you die.”


Chris : “Who’s the tightest bastard?”

Matt : “Dom. Although it depends what you mean (laughs). Let me think.

Erm… I think we’re all pretty goddamn good with cash, to be honest. We’re all pretty generous. And, yeah, we do charity work. But, we don’t like to talk about it. We usually just give hard cash to Oxfam and that’s it. We don’t go around going (adopts goofy voice), ‘Ooh, look at me’. The Bible says if you sing about it, you don’t get recognition for it. So, I’ve just sung about it and blown it all (laughs).”


Dom : “Who’s the best sportsman?”

Matt : “Chris.”

Chris : “Years ago I might have accepted that, but these days I fall over and break my wrist while playing football on concrete; so I can’t be that good.”


Chris : “If I developed superpowers, would I use them for good or evil?”

Matt : “A bit of both.”

Dom : “I think you’d probably take the piss.”


Matt : “Am I in touch with my feminine side?”

Matt : “This actually isn’t my question; I nicked it out of Dom’s glass.”

Dom : “In touch with your feminine side? Err. Yes and no. Actually, I mean, yes, but at the same time… no (laughs).”

Matt : “Why, what do you mean?”

Dom : “Well, yeah you are, because you wear women’s clothes.”

Matt : “Do I?”

Dom : “Yet, when I’ve tried to kiss you, you don’t like it.”

Oh My God. I love Muse. Why do I always forget just wieder.xD

Friday, October 8, 2010

How Often Can U Get Brazilian


Yes, Mister! It was a mistake to tell her she should come over the weekend. How do I get back out now? Your short notice again?
It's funny. In the morning I am strong, when I wake up. In the evening I'm usually weak. Not physically, but from what I can bear to stress and emotions. Well, perhaps understandably, in the evening, the body and the mind is nunmal already claimed something and not as powerful.
Hmm, besides last night I dreamed of really strange. I write it once heir pure. I do not wiel assume that anybody cares, but rather because it is interesting think, and I can remember in a few weeks back it. Exactly I grieg But not together anymore, only sketchy bruck:
I ride with a woman in the passenger seat through the night. The sky is beautiful, spiral galaxies we see with the naked eye, and they turn clearly visible. This raises saucers. Vibrant. At first we thought it would be the ISS.
I stand in the hallway of an apartment which is similar to the apartment of my girlfriend. The friend I miss inside an extent. I found myself in the film set for shooting a new Star Wars part.
I'm possibly in my old children in the house of my parents, with a woman, even more. My brother arrives with a giant rat, which I find totally disgusting. She runs to me, I'm afraid she poops in my room. The woman / women find the rat totally sweet. I can not understand this.
I sit with two naked, pretty women on the floor in the bathroom of my parents' house. The women are young, and they look very good. The floor is intended 20 centimeters under water. We are trying with your hands to drain the water slide in the direction so that the Water runs fast and up in the lower level flows, where my parents live. I accidentally touch a woman on her bare breasts. I liked :-)

very strange dreams. My brother had earlier rats as pets. These were very unsanitary. You stink and have done their business of course permanently. Also have ihc earlier at the bottom wipe in the bathroom, these mostly under water, but in the nciht außmaß. Well, later it is. In another apartment. There was a Siffon (?)... So just put everything under water, and then move into it :-) Still ... The women in the dreams gepiselt jedenfalsl a decisive role, that much is clear.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jthm Mobile Wallpapers

A few thoughts

a) I believe that my relationship sooner or later does not make sense. Both my mind and my drive to make because too often thwart the bill.
b) I know I would be unhappy as a single. Although the relationship at the moment as the dominant problem, it is not. But perhaps a building block of many to happiness.
c) There is thought (at Ex, to other acquaintances, to prettier women), strengthening my doubts about the relationship, while others thought (Merry nature, caring, kindness, love the girlfriend) make me doubt it. Outweigh the time a thought, sometimes the other ... No consistency, therefore, in my feelings.
d) inference making is only possible if the counter-feelings dominate. Unfortunately, however, causes the make sorry that finish the thought, the relationship can not prevail. So a kind of dilemma, or you could say also, a Nash equilibrium:-D The question is how to come out of there ... I think there is only one answer ... It is your out of balance That force which will be very painful. I do not know if I pack: - / Actually, I atte I made for today ... for this evening, chatting .... whether'll grab ego? Should I support the Contra thoughts? Definitely makes sense if I am determined. Difficult situation, again ...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Insurance Reinstatement Value

early morning ... In the south

hold two thoughts I want to.
first Thought: A weesentlicher difference between fish-swarm and Lolli model is that the Loli-rational model of adult sets the direction of two persons, whereas in the fish swarm the overall direction of the sum of individual fish is produced. A rational, the guiding force there is not really in the fish model. The question is also how it gives in reality a MENSCHNER. Perhaps one can consider the rational, the guiding force as a dominant, direction determining fish mitlenkt entscheident the swarm. This could of course be dominant differently depending on the person.
I think ultimately it boils down to whether one really has control over himself and his behavior, and how far they may be unconsciously determined. Depending on either the fish or lollipop model is better. As detemrinist, I must confess myself to the point to the fish model. That, I Was a behavior interpret the swarm when my self-determined behavior is ultimately just the result of the movement of individual fish.

second Thought. Morning. It occurs to me that I mrogens think differently. For example, I thought today mrogen that make the final, was not so hard, and I should do it quickly. But I think this idea into perspective in the course of the day. I attribute this feeling to two things: a) in the morning I am stunned, and may be less clearly assess situations, evaluate things, and b) I am also emotionally numb, insensitive, ie consequences Scherzliche connect me not so near.
I think the same symptom occurs even if I have a fight in the sport after me: The body is full of testosterone, which means that my soul insensitivity to pain, and my thoughts are less comprehensive.

Addendum: job went well today. I am at least so euphoric.
negative, however, is still the uncertainty of the damned. I know that I know nothing, but all will, and trust me nothing.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Rolling Duffel Europe

nothing new ...

And then came the now the third string. Essentially has not done much today. Today I had to work a very good idea and I hope that I will ultimately into a pre-application Chung, and can be taken of in my Diss. My colleague who works with me on the subject seems to sien also willing to support me on the way there. Booyah! Must now hopes to follow it acts. After work, I was eating pizza with work colleagues. The pizza was not that great, and now I'm Bausch pain, but while I sit in the pizzeria has suddenly this strange feeling. This feeling of leading a private, independent and free life, which I define themselves. A strange feeling, but a good one. I wonder if others feel this Menshcen experience as a permanent condition. Who knows, maybe the people with whom I have spent my life so far, completely emotionally on a different level, and have that certain something, which means they do not live in the despair. Well, maybe not. When I had stomach pain, I called my girlfriend udn her ears full of whining. Was fun :-) I wanted to annoy them, but ... mhm, ews probably was a situation in which I was looking for her neighborhood, because otherwise I probably would not have called ...
Well, so much to this day ...
Now on fish and Lollis, or even two models for my feelings.
first The fish swarm:
According to this model is my inner by a variety of different interests and / or needs (fish) characterized. These fish seek, in contrast to healthy people, in different directions as they verfoglen own goals, which means that the big picture, the swarm rips. Although a general trend can be seen the swarm here and there, and each fish is well aware that the swarm can only survive if he is a target, eg drives a food source, however, are with me, in Unlike other people who fish do not able to direct their interests in a common direction and coordinate themselves. Instead, they often aspire to the swarm, and thereby block it. The whole swarm movement in this model, that what might be described as a reason or goal in life is alss: The what, indeed, does not serve the individual fish directly, but benefits the entire flock and brings it forward. Fish are stupid, they do not follow any specific ideas, but to act intuitively. In healthy people, the fish usually follow intuitively the swarm, or their goals add up to the overall goal of the swarm. For me, every fish afraid to see his interests nciht as soon as the swarm moves and the fish must adjust its direction, so that ultimately only the swarm still drives in the flow and is moved only by this.

second The Lolli:
There is a rational adult I (Swarm), and an emotional, irrational I (fish). Here, the two selves are not charaktiersiert clear, but may have different properties and / or interest represent. In alltäglichn life can dominate both. It is important that dominates neither permanent, and that found in the necessary situations, the corresponding I act.

Phew, I need to determine what the to write two self I find difficult. the question of who should act when, and who take the role, is difficult to explain. Maybe I need to be done again exact thoughts, but basically I find the fish swarm idea at the moment easier. But the differences are not really so great, I think. Well, maybe I find everything again at the appropriate time to participate.

luck: 3
self-esteem: 6
confidence: worked 5
to me: 1

Monday, September 13, 2010

Brazilian Waxing Sayings

as Usual

So, Entry No. 2
We'll see a little effort it will cost, but if I'm in schreibfluß am, then it's actually even fun to write here.
Zunächsteinemal I wonder how I do in the future the subject line-select, because I fear there will come a thousand more days like today, because this day was average in every respect. So, how do we start. Today, a task for the Prof done, I actually found seltstverständlich ... No, I even feel dassi ch was negligent, and the task would have to do much earlier. Well, nothing more, despite the total thanked Prof at me ... I found strange, but flattered a little bit.
The bad news is that the contact with a colleague to whom I would like to build a friendship is something worse. He answers not always in Skype is offline suddenly, etc. ... I think he comes with my way not realize that I put a lot of questions and like to discuss. Well, is just so, perhaps I deceive myself also. Then
made after work sport. Was quite nice. Well have to be at least a guilty conscience lazy. A few pretty girls are attending, and I have actually changed one or the other word with them. I am still a bit uptight and have a feeling towards women I talk nonsense. Well, what the heck ....
Well, and so we're already back with my problem child theme: relationships. Actually I had planned to make final today. But there is probably nothing. Normally you should be happy but to make an end, because then the freedom in mind. Hmm, I got more scared and hurt her. The joke is too. Today I only have phone contact with her, and as I see them of course not, which means that my complicated in terms, "My girlfriend must be pretty" not come to bear. Anyway, I find it strange ... In photos, she always looks quite good, but in reality I suppose it always was as ugly. No, still does not change my decision ISHC that the relationship has no future. I just do not know what has to happen until it happens. I think it will happen, if it is present in reality. And still, when the pressure is unbearable for me, for example, on a walk where I see many other beautiful women ...
Just to come back to the topic of "aching-Can '... Yesterday I was chatting. There was also a girl of whom were all the other annoying, and have left the chat room easily. I could not do it just like that. I have talked with her until I am almost came out unscathed from the affair. can
I mean, I could have just failed ... I will never again have contact with her, I would insult you can, can insult, etc. Funny. Actually, yes I wanted
something written about schools of fish, and also changes on the relationship to the child-adult metaphor, which are very similar, but I believe that I in the face of the length of the text, which I have already written today.
Ok, rating for the day.
luck: 3
rating: 4
confidence: 3
freedom: 4
self-realization: 6 (sports content)

I fear the scores are always commute in this category 3/4-er. Since we do for the sport once again grappling. The resultant testosterone boost is awesome :-)

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Whats The Name Of The Piano Song Played In It

Sunday, Sunny, Boring

my first entry today. Whether it is also my last?
I do not know. I will try to advise a friend / boyfriend just, ausserdme shocn still times I had a kind of online diary write.
The question is: what public? The chance that anyone interested in me, I think is rather small, but well ... Schlimsmtenfalls I try to hold out just for me.
Ok, we come to the point: My day, My day was today
very confusing and exhausting. My friend was visiting there. As usual on weekends. Weekend relationship. And again I doubted the whole day, what to do. Constantly back and forth, as always. On the one hand, I see no future for us, but on the other hand I see her face then, and come before me terribly bad. I do not like it hurt . Do
It is not because of me. I get it okay to be alone. But I find it hard to hurt her. As a small child to take the candy away. I guess I'm just not selfish enough. What I care others, my life so I must live independently. Okay, the knowledge is unfortunately nothing new. But I only wish all the very best for them.
gaze times, how tomorrow is. With a little distance. And I am afraid that tomorrow I still would make less dnekne at the end. For since it is not there, I also do not feel that what is does not fit into our relationship, and separation always uncomfortable. Actually
I had made up my mind to make tomorrow's final, over Skype. This is perhaps easier. Simply typed quickly: you, the relationship is over. Off.
But tomorrow I will be sure the head somewhere else. Stress on the job, no time out powerd, no mood to stress.
Mhm, and yesterday a totally ugly guys with a ravishingly beautiful girlfriend seen in the city. The stress me. Life is unfair, because we should have a purely optical switch the partner.
Ok, lets see how often I will write similar posts here. I know actually saying that no alternative to separation is over. The sooner the better. But does not like the idea myself. " To the separation.
The question is what displeases me exactly. The answer is difficult. Of course there are memories, of course there are the lousy feeling to do someone harm.
As a child I was always very complicated in terms of separations: I even mourned umbrellas, I wnen they had lost on the train. Because I was so sad that we meet again. Something existing is destroyed for ever ... Whether I can relate to the relationship? And, how can you get let go.
released what one holds as Penny Lane yesterday or the day before the TV said. As release. How deal with it, the things in life come and go. That's normal.
Yes, my ex I just got the WE think very often. I miss them already, but I do not think me. I play with the idea to write her again. When I met her for the last time when we were already separated, the chemistry was right once again to 100%. I speak up a little, that she was the love of my life.
I'm afraid with my current Freunidn is not so, but it is such a good hearted person. They would all do for me, and I never do harm. Since I am quite sure. From an objective standpoint, it would be good to get the relationship up. But here
constantly enumerate the pros and cons of separation is really pointless. The answer is given already. It is not the question of whether but on how and when. I resolve to make through auto-suggestion to me more ... Maybe it works well ...

The day today in the summary: Long slept, watched Batman on TV, back to sleep, went walking, exhaustion Hangen, girlfriend passed now.

Review of the Day (10 very good - 0 bad):
self-actualization: 1 (Day design has often addressed after friend, alone I would have made things more interesting)
happiness: 4 (Lying in bed, to see the TV, the girlfriend poor, near, already ok) hope
: 4 (I'm free I just got this set from time to internalize, and thus gain strength) can

Next, Moe! and I what to write about again RIGHTS inner shoal. But not today, my pizza is ready now:-D

Monday, August 23, 2010

Bits Of Pink In Urine


The interview with Tuti here I've found in the live journal of my deal oh_tuti Erin and I wanted to just save it again. Simply because it Tuti times really nice and friendly and has a way Tatsuya again his Fangirlness beweist.xD

There is also:

First off, how about a self-introduction?

I'm Tsuchiya Yuuchi. I came to Tokyo and got my start in small-time theater, and met up with the members of the theater troupe I was in at the time, the play unit pnish * *, with whom I'm still working today. In other words, I've done nothing but theatre my whole life. The first work I participated in was the HUNTERxHUNTER Musical. And after that came the Prince of Tennis Musicals, and now I'm in Rock Musical BLEACH--this is my third time being in an anime musical. And if you count the fact that I performed at Jump Festa as well, then you could say I've really immersed myself in work having to do with anime.

So what fascinates you about BLEACH?

This mostly concerns the original work, but I really like how the words are used. Like, at the beginning of a tankoubon, there will usually be 2 lines or so of words, and I think that's really well put-together. And it's the same in your usual plays and dramas, but especially in anime musicals with an original work for reference, to treat those sorts of word usages and slips of the tongue as important. For example, when a co-star has the line, "I'm gonna tear you apart!" and instead says, "I'm gonna tear you apart, dammit!", when he uses, "Dammit!" I'll think, "You didn't have to say that, 'dammit'!" *laugh* But yeah, I just don't want to hurt the feelings of those fans of the original work. So this time, I really puta lot of work into my character's Kyoto-dialect *laugh*

Were there many differences in your performances in an anime musical as opposed to other plays and dramas you've performed in?

Anime musicals...first off, I'll thoroughly research the original work and the anime, see how words are used, work on appearances and such, and start with the actual "figure." Keeping faithful to, not just the emotions, but the way it's displayed, is what it means to perform in an anime musical, I feel. With other works, first I'll memorize my lines, and then work from there steadily using my emotions and feelings to make my role. Completely a 180-degree turn around, see? It means I start from my role, and from there I bury myself in the emotions and sensations in an anime musical--it's really difficult.

Were there any parts you had trouble with this time when you returned as Ichimaru Gin's actor?

First off, the guy's nothing like myself *laugh* "How should I portray him?" I wondered, but I knew the image I was supposed to be aiming for, so I tried for that mood *laugh* That's when I started with the "figure." I could at least understand his movements, and how he behaved. It's just, I got really hung up on that Kyoto dialect! *laugh* I didn't have any idea how to do it.

So how did you master the Kyoto dialect?

I did a play before using the Tosa dialect, and back then I used things like videos to help me learn it, but this time I didn't resort to material like that, and instead, during rehearsals, I would practice speaking and asking questions to Osamu-chan (Kuchiki Byakuya's actor, Hayashi Shuuji), who came from Kyoto, and other members of the staff from the Kansai region, and that helped me memorize my lines. Using actual documents to learn is good and all, but having the people around me teach me was much better, I feel. And also, I paid close attention to the people from the Kansai region, watching them. Even when watching TV, there are a lot of Kansai people around. The Kansai dialect is really popular, so people from Tokyo really notice their accent *laugh* As the real performance got closer, I started getting nervous, cause people were telling me my accent during "Hona Sainara" was kind of weird *laugh*

This time you're doing an Osaka performance as well, it seems...

I'm so nervous! I really am! *laugh* But I can't let myself get hung up on that fact. Even if I'm a little worried whether or not I'll make a good Gin, those who really love Gin will surely accept me, I feel.

Did you know of BLEACH beforehand?

After we started talking about it, I read the original work, and it was interesting, it really was. I really enjoyed the world view, and each character's relationships were well planned out. The words as well were well chosen, and really cool. Getting to say things like, "Lift your head, wabisuke~" or "Kill him!", don't you think that's kind of cool?

Was there anything that left an impression on you during the last run?

How about the time when, on the way back from rehearsals one evening, I had to carry everyone's baggage? The loser at 'Rock-Paper-Scissors' had to hold everyone's stuff. I felt like some grade-schooler *laugh* Tatsuya (Isaka) was usually the one who had to do that sort of thing *laugh*

We interviewed Isaka-san (Kurosaki Ichigo's actor) before, and it's been said that when he first met you, he said, "Wow, you're getting on up there in years," and your heart stopped for a moment...

*huge laugh* Yep, that's how it went.

And then he said, "But right now, I like Tsuchiya-san best!" *laugh* What do you think of Isaka-san, Tsuchiya-san?

Guess I won him over *laugh* How would you say it...like, if for a scene, I say just one word, and then fade into the background, Tatsuya will go, "That was amazing!" *laugh* Like I was someone in tons of scenes or something. Not just in a play. *laugh* But well, he's a cute guy. I'm really happy, but I've just got no confidence in myself, no matter what others might say, and when people depend on me so much...well, I tend to feel that way sometimes *laugh* When people rely on someone, Moriyama-san (Abarai Renji's actor) is the type to say "All right!" and then try and take the lead, but I'm more the type to say, "Ah, yeah sure...umm, what should I do..." and try and shirk the responsibility *laugh* I may appear like I'm really reliable, but the truth is I'm just not. But even so, I'm planning on really working hard for this winter performance.

So how was it working with the women?

Kumiko-chan (Hinamori Momo's actress) is a really shy girl. When we were filming the backstages for the DVD, every time we'd turn the camera on her, she'd always run away. I was thinking, "What, am I some kind of pervert or something?" *laugh* But she's really honest. She'd always arrive early for rehearsals, and work hard at practice at her own pace. Miki-chan (Kuchiki Rukia's actress) is the type to hit back if she's hit, I guess? And then Rei-chan (Inoue Orihime's actress) is the same way, but anyways, I really liked their stupid antics, seeing as I did my fair share as well. That part really fit Miki-chan and Rei-chan. They really had their acts together, it was tons of fun.

Do you have a favorite BLEACH character?

Gin, I guess? Other than him...Kenpachi maybe? I really like how he understands himself, and yet still continues to push forward. I like the really manly characters.

So what is it about Gin that you like?

More than what I like about him, I think it's just the fact that I came to like him at all! I had my own image of him inside myself, and when other actors would say things like, "That Gin's a really nasty guy," I came to like him just as much as they hated him *laugh* It's fun playing the bad guy, and as an actor, it's a really worthwhile role. Gin has a certain strength, where he'll never lost his sense of self. I myself consider that a point of good significance, seeing as I don't think I really have that sort of point myself.

During this second run, what do you think your power-up point is?

This feels almost like I'm using others to my own ends, but having Izuru there seemed to really increase Gin's sense of presence, I feel. It was really fun for me as well, though. And also, though this might not be a big deal, the fight scenes. When you watch the DVD there are lots of points where you can reflect on whether or not I played Gin as he should be, so I might be able to play them better this time, I hope *laugh*

For the last point, tell us what's got you excited about this second run.

Rock Musical BLEACH is a production filled with things we were pushed to do as actors, so I hope to give a great show and work hard with everyone whom I've met!

Straightening Solution Homemade

Parque Espania! Tsuki yo Oshiete kure

Okay, I admit even to already: I'm like Tuti and hate / love him for it.
So, now it's out, so I can begin to tell what I did at the last time to come.

The last days I once again spent at and with Hasi and as always when we meet, we had a lot of fun.
Amongst those present to hate but to love Tuti while but, as with Takashi, to gaze or to abbern Nao and again extend our Fangirlness.
Indeed, we once again TeniMyu Back-watched day and noticed how great they are all yet. Kime How awesome is, for example, or to love how hyper mega doll Naga or ... how horny love Nao and Sota in seeing it is and such. Just the usual. However, we are about to come of watching Dream Live 2. Here again we have our future angefangirlt Cos Saint Rudolph and Fudomine (as this would not even, finally, we love the outfits and Miyano is there and so). About Seigaku we had time to think properly, what should we think like them. After all, it is the second cast and neither Abe nor Kime are still there - the other, we also miss a bit. Moriyama Eijis Kaidos and replacement, we find quite good, and we love anyway FratzenTezzie dearly, as well as Yuya, but with the other, we can not make friends easily. Particularly with Taka-san, and Inui Kikumaru - Fuji looks just like a woman, because we could so get used after a reasonable time. However, what the entire Seigaku-2-troupe has in common is that they act just as if they had bothered to do their job. Why do they now are "bored" with us, we also simple. (And so we want to get a cool nickname and are therefore jealous. XD)
Well, we have further looked DL II and us in love Yamabuki. Especially in our new alter egos Kentaro Minami and Masami Higashikata. And Toji, with its funky sunglasses just awesome.xD
'm curious how long it takes until we also want to cosplay in all possible versions ^ ^

Speaking Cosplay. We are our existence as a fun indie Police probably times have betrayed.
For since there are now our Seigakus and Cosmonde sent us such sweet Hetaliafiguren has (to me America and England, Hasi Russia and France) we will now also cosplay times.
Small objection: how freaky is it that my wmplayer now that I think about it write Marukaite Chikyu - Doitsu happening? xD
any case, since Cosmonde also offers Cos of them, we have decided after careful consideration that Russia and I will Hasi Austria / Japan make the yukata. And the countries really fit to us. As we noted yesterday again. Hasi always writes Russian, when she writes about Tuti and Naga (like me sometimes) and I'm Sissie, well I dance, if I am to dance the waltz, always equal to the Viennese. And the Cos look great, so Lau attuned to China make. Mitsu is Maybe, as Liechtenstein or Lady England to join us or something. That leaves only what to find for Jassi left .* g *

Saturday we all have our way again met Kuchiki-sama, and to sum it up: it was awesome.
We had a lot of fun, whether we have read her the MSTing (I am the lyrics, Jassi, the original equipment, and the roles Lau), have cooked together and eaten, or just to chat there. It was really cool. In the evening have "Where is Fred?" And "Avatar" and I looked like both movies. Even though I am still not a fan of Till Schweiger. Sunday morning, we then have her wig styled something and then it was time that she picked up was. Too bad, but we still see a few more times.
We want to maybe do a short bike ride together. And as I learned today that we are all invited to Ränjis birthday and now need to consider what we pay. So probably start again a group brainstorming, what?

I already told that the Seigakus are there, just like almost all goods ordered at the moment. Which also means that our Academy are there. Well ... they are there only Jassis there is the problem that they have sent the women version. For whatever reason. Which means that tomorrow the still Hasi times will have to order. Meh ... Hopefully everything works.
Academy with my wig we were the way to the hairdresser and the Coiffeurin my confidence has a really good job done here. And told me that they probably will easily be able to cut my other Kira. Yay, I can not wait to get it. ^ _ ^

So, now I geschwafelt again so much, yet I just wanted to make a quick update. But the
Fangirlness led a somewhat more to write more. It does not matter now. ^ ^
More can be said to not be big, so I now cease so well.

you soon. (And yay, how awesome am I that I have this time again so quickly wrote a new entry. ♥)
See ya.
Gladys. ♥

Wedding Card Background

... boku ni natta bakari na shinigami ni ... Ittai boku wa Nante koto wo ~

I currently much fun to watch my translations of blog entries of all of us Lieblingsspacken while I'm on really cool things gestoßen.xD
Tatsuya is pure sugar. And how Hasi has handed me, Miyano will probably be that way. However, I could not convince me yet, but maybe I can still.
Here first, some of the things that were particularly struck me:


03/12/07 [8:19 PM]: Tuti - On week left of rehearsals

BLEACH rehearsals are over for today.
This time due to time constraints, I haven't been able to come to rehearsals that much. But then there hasn't really been much need to.
This time I feel like there's a lot to compare with previous performances. It's always nice when you feel like your performance has gotten better.
Since I'm not really together with Izuru much, I thought I'd take a picture with Eiki for a change, along with the rehearsal hall stress relief toy, Gaku.
This time, performance-wise, will see big shifts in my relationships and how I feel towards people--I feel this more and more each day.

Da merkt man doch wieder, wie nett Tuti gegenüber Kato ist, oder? Hier ist der Beweis, was er über ihn denkt.xD

03/17/07 [2:51 AM]: Tuti - A regular genius

Today after BLEACH rehearsals, I went out for yakiniku with Moriyama-san and some of the staff members.
When I say Moriyama-san, I of course mean from *pnish*, that super-strong taichou.
Saying things like, "And now we'll completely flip over the net of meat after it's been thoroughly cooked~"
...the "net."
I've got to hand it to Moriyama-san for trying to use the complete opposite side instead of just turning it some.
He is, without a doubt, * * pnish's simple genius.

Lately Shougo Suzuki-san, who usually performs pretty quietly and seriously, has been asking me, "Do you think I'm kinda like Eiji?"

I just want to die just so happy. Moriyama Eiji as he talks about is just awesome.xD

23.03.2007 [4:34 PM]: Tuti - Third Day

Today I can relax a bit before the performance.
Thanks to the oil massage I got yesterday I feel like most of my tiredness is gone now. Right now
Kitamura Izuru is practicing dancing. But this is not his pose.
I'll be hosting next week's PaniSuta by myself.

Eiki mal wieder. Und wie toll ist der Name bitte? Kiramura Izuru...*kicher*

03/31/07 [6:41 PM]: Tuti - Today is PaniSuta

It started raining immediately after the show ended and I wound up getting soaked.
I still hurried along to the station, but I hope those of you who came to the studio were all right.
Please be careful of catching cold.
Still, today was really fun.
Bullying Gaku when we got on a backstage-high, we went a little wild.
While Daiki-chan wrote in his letter for us not to get out of hand, of course we did.
We've still gotthe Hyougo performance, so we could not say much in the way of spoilers, but we told a lot of goofy stories.

Did you all enjoy yourselves? Or
Yeah, we had a blast - something wrong with that?

That was today's PaniSuta.

As you can see it yet again: Tuti loves to annoy Kato. Poor guy ...

04.23.2007 [1:38 PM]: Tuti - Java Banana Chocolate

I ordered something sweet from Starbucks, something I do not usually Thurs I was able to down it better than I thought, actually, but it kind of bugged me having all the whipped cream left over.

I also know mit wem er das bestellt hat... xD


0 3/20/07 [12:44 AM]: Tatsuya - ☆So nervous!☆

Tomorrow is at long last the Rock Musical Bleach performaaaance!
I can't wait☆I always get this weird unusual tension on the first day, so I've gotta be careful of that.
Everyone, let's put our power together and give it our all♪
Let's all work together! (>_<)

This time it's Tokyo first huh~
We've always been in Osaka first and then Tokyo, so I'm kinda happy we get to end it in Hyougo o(^-^)o
It's always so much fun riding the bullet train with everyone, after all!

I think I'll go and ask the staff if they'll put me and Tuti-san in a room together at the hotel!
...though he probably won't want that huh (-_-メ)

The picture's a two-shot with Eiki-san.
Ooh, a room with Tuti-san and Eiki-san would be good, too!....but I won't say that(^_^;)
Don't you think hotel rooms are kinda scary?
Well, even if ghosts come out, I'll get 'em with my Zangetsu! (^_^メ) 

Tatsuya ist einfach nur Zucker. Ich kann es nicht anders sagen. Wie süß ist der bitte? Dass er mit Tuti ja so gerne in ein Zimmer möchte und so. Oder auch noch mit Eiki. Kawaiii....

09/30/2005: Tatsuya - Movie, movie!

I know this is sudden, but do any of you have a favorite movie? *laugh*
For me it's gotta be The Goonies .
When I was little, I saw it two times, and I just couldn't forget it. o(^-^)o I just went out and bought the DVD!
It's a movie about these kids who go on an adventure, but I think everyone could identify with the characters, plus it's really cute.
It's interesting, so give it a look♪
If you're wondering why I'm suddenly talking about movies, I just went and saw Cinderella Man ! It's showing here now!
It really touched me...Russel is so cool...
I hope I can grow into a man like him some day.
Just gotta get stronger, though~ (^-^)
And so many people are coming to check out my blog!
Looks like it's fine for me to write this freely, so I'll work hard and update!♪
Gotta eat some takoyaki when I head to Osaka! Looks like Osaka-Kobe took the championship!

10/06/2005: Tatsuya - Curry Rice

Today I cleaned up my house--!! It was surprisingly spacious~!
When I get the house clean, though, it makes me want to cook.
My favorite foods are curry and watermelon. I can't stand oden with radish, though.
As for today's picture...what the heck was I thinking? I took a picture of myself☆
How embarrassing~what an idiot. Ah well, forgive me (>-<#)
My hair's been getting long lately, but even if there are some people who say it's better off short, there are still some who like it better long...
Either way's fine with me. I wanna dye my hair at least once, though...

10/27/2005: Tatsuya - I'll work really hard on the second run!

It's been a while, but I'm updating my blog!!
Lately it's gotten cooler, if only a bit, but I've actually got a very tiny little cold.
On another subject, comments? When I say that...
It seems like when I look at those who've commented, there are some who've been on this for 3 years, or those who share a birthdate, lots of different people are there. When I read these, it makes me really happy o(^-^)o Thanks☆彡
Ah, speaking of which, yesterday before I went to bed I tried to listen to an MD, but I've got all these MDs that I don't know what songs are on them; it's really bothersome, so I spent a while listening and writing on them with a marker!
It's always better to know exactly what's recorded on the MD!
When I listened to one MD, the Justirisers theme came on, this song where they just go "Gen, saishin~Justarisers~"♪over and over, but I really like it. *laugh* So many memories.
Hmm, I wonder if I should go train myself or something today...
But...there are all these foreigners over there with this "Bob" feel to them, kinda dangerous...
Everyone, be careful of catching colds, 'kay? o(^-^)o

10/28/2005: Tatsuya - Always writing 'Pike, pike!'

This evening I'll be eating natto and kimchee, then it's 1-million-horsepower!
I just got some raw rice sent over from my parents, so I had to cook for myself (>_<)
I really don't do that kind of thing often, so I had to boast about it and post it in my blog!
And I also grilled some pike too! It was only 100-yen at the grocery story, after all. *laugh*
Jump's gotten really interesting recently! Bleach is doing great, it really is!


10/31/2005: Tatsuya - Computers are really difficult to use...

I usually post from my phone and send it to my manager first, and then he passes it on to the blog, but today I had to run to the company for the first time in a while, so I'm writing from a computer now. *laugh*
This is really hard! I had to ask, "How do you type a little 'tsu'?!" right off the bat. (>_<)
The emoticons look a little weird too...aren't they big?
On top of that, I've written this much, but it's taken me 30 minutes now!
But this is kind of fun☆
My little brother's pretty good with his computer.
He's pretty cool so long as he keeps his mouth shut...*laugh*
He'd probably get mad if he saw I wrote that☆ But he's got a good head, and he's really sweet, I'm proud of him!
On that note, I'm the eldest of three sons!! People always think I'm the youngest, though♪Why...?!
I'm unexpectedly level-headed, after all!★
All right! Things are gonna get busy with BLEACH in November, so I've gotta work hard!!

The picture is my manager, to whom I'm always indebted *laugh*

11/17/2005: Tatsuya - Radio and Post-Recording

Today I went and peeked in on the Bleach post-recording☆彡 morita's Ichigo is so cool after all (>_<) There were other seiyuu there too, it was really busy.
Seems like no matter where you perform Bleach, for some reason everyone's really good friends o(^-^)o
And yesterday was...
For the first time in my life, I went to a radio recording! Morita-san and Yasumoto-san, who does Chad's voice, were there with me, and I guest appeared for 30 minutes with Rukia's actress, Saitou-san; we talked about a lot of things♪
It was so much fun with two Ichigos there! *laugh*
The broadcast will either be 11/20 or 11/27 (for Radio Osaka) or the 22nd or 29th (for Radio Japan).
Morita-san was so nice~♪

11/21/2005: Tatsuya - Is Osaka cold?

Today was the BLEACH pamphlet photoshoot o(^-^)o
I'm always so happy getting together with everyone! *laugh*
So much fun☆彡
The real performance is already right around the corner! Can't wait!
I'll be doing a Bleach event in Osaka on the 23rd, I'm going with Takashi-niichan!
The 23rd...that's the day after tomorrow!! ( ̄□ ̄;) So nervous...
Can't wait for Osaka ♪
Thanks for your support (。・_・。)ノ

Einfach nur Zucker... Ich sag nur: Takashi-niichan! Oder überhaupt alles was er schreibt. Ich möchte ihn knuddeln...

11/23/2005: Tatsuya - Rock Musical BLEACH Talk Event Show

Osaka was so much fun! To all of you who came, thank you!
It passed by so quickly! ☆彡 
Takashi-san helped me out a lot from start to finish o(^-^)o
Everyone told me, "Please work hard!" or for winter, "I'll come and see you lots of times!" so I was really happy (>_<)
On the 27th I'm off to Osaka with Kengo-san♪
Then on the 4th, it's Tuti♪
I'll be riding the bullet-train a lot *laugh*
The picture is to commemorate our getting to Osaka, I took it with Takashi-san. We're both making kind of dorky faces(≧∇≦)

11/27/2005: Tatsuya - Rock Musical BLEACH Talk Show 2

Today was the Rock Musical BLEACH Talk Show in Osaka Youth Center!
So that means I went to Osaka with Kengo-san today!
Aah, it was fun♪Everyone, thanks for helping me out!(≧∇≦)
I feel like I babbled a lot today *laugh*
It was so special to be able to meet all the fans firsthand.
I don't get a chance like this often, so I'll work hard next week on the 4th too ☆ 彡
On the 4th I'm off with Ichimaru Gin's actor, our leader Bleach, Tuti-san! I can not wait!
The picture's from the back of the bullet train with Kengo-san! o (^-^) o

Tuti then, is the Leader-sama. How sweet. Awwww, Tatsuya, you're such a fangirl ♥

04/12/2005. Tatsuya - Bleach Talk Show, Take 3!

We're now in Kobe, and the third Bleach Talk Show has just ended ~ o (^-^) o Good job!
For lunch, I ate in China Town with Tuti. The shrimp was delicious chile ♪
So, the Talk fun with Tuti and his funny word endings was! His comedy-act was sooo interesting!
I just love that act, just love it...
It was really precious to me, this time I got to spend meeting people who love Bleach first hand.
I'm sure I won't have a chance like this again, and I feel it was a really good experience (>_<)
We appeared at the Human Academy Kobe School, but at the Animate store two floors below us, after the show was over, they let us have some Bleach goods (。・_・。)ノ☆
I was so happy! (〃д〃)
On top of that, when we got back, we went to the top of the hotel and ate ☆彡
What a view! The night landscape was beautiful.
All right, all that's left now is practicing for the real performance, I'll work hard!

12/13/2005: Tatsuya - YAY!

Today I watched the Rock Musical DVD!
It goes on sale te 20th~ *laugh*
Here are the three of us smiling big (>_<)
We've really started our engines today! Our new practice...
Everyone, let's keep on working hard!☆彡 Yup! o(^-^)o


11/15/07 [12:51 AM]: Mamo - Secret Talk...

Light: "Na, Ryuk."
Ryuk: "Nn? What is it, Light?"
Light: "This is just between you and me, but..."
Ryuk: "Huh?"
Light: "...Shinigami..."
Ryuk: "*listens*"
Light: "Apparently can't eat anything but applies..."
Ryuk: "EH?!?! Ah--ah, right, yeah...umm, I knew that already?"
Light: "NOOOO WAAAAAY!!! (ノ゜O゜)ノ"
Ryuk: "...what's got him so bright and upbeat?"

11/21/06 [11:54 PM]: Mamo - Day-of Ticket Information☆☆☆


[...] That's it! ☆
Guys !!!!!!! Do not give up yet! (Haha) Please keep it up ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Mamo's just finished work today and is on his way home (>_\u0026lt;)
But for now ............ I'm sooooooo
hungryyyy (¯ ▽ ¯;) (haha)
Wonder what I'll eat ~ ☆

More by Miyano, here:
http://oh-tuti.livejournal.com/71111.html # cutid1

Okay, I'll go then die in peace times to hyperglycaemia. The last all was now much. Does not search for me, I'll have me anyway dissolved. Finally, it rains and just so.xD

Sun BTW: This is the source of my inspiration. As it were my Crack Deal Erin.

Parque Espana!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Track And Field Event Sheets

Oh, Tuti to iu Nakar, hahahaha! * Tret *

I love Nao. Point. Each entry should begin, in my opinion nach.xD

Ahem. Long has it been now since I've painted it again (this time not just a few weeks, to my horror O_O) and there is still time time for me but the times change.
To my chagrin, I must say that so much has happened, I certainly can not let happen Revue. I mourn a little for all the great stories and quotes that Hasi and I have acquired in all the time, but maybe you can write down here so still, if an opportunity arises. But my head gets even now no longer together what we have bequatscht so everything from then on it is no different. But now I'm starting to probably first summarize roughly, what I still get to the series. ^ ^

Since I heard that the last post not that be exactly, I write here now times in which we Mexxler Meeting participated in the recent time:
- Chisaii # 30 -> was awesome because we've got to know our awesome and so Bleachbande
- Hanami '10 -> it is a pity that we do not Kuchiki-Taicho could choose to cherry blossom princess xD
- Hatscho (June) -> Comment by Fish: "You have danced with kava, or" Oh yes, and as we have xD
- ChisaiiCon '10 -> I will never again run at 85 ° in the shade Cosplay. And even then sit for four hours in the train ... And I'll never forgive that we have confused the one with Fuji Tezzi ... T___T
- ConDance on ChisaiiCon -> we have made again mood and I want the video sehen.xD
- weddings on the ChisaiiCon -> do I express myself any further. It speaks for itself. But I still love Kuchiki-Taicho why about everything. You really made my day. xD
- camping at the Kuchikis - - Save the cherry trees> Conclusion of the day: I'll have to learn to manage to steal a lake. Point. And Itzehoe is the greatest city in state in the world. And a great location for Bleachshoots. And anyway the whole weekend was great and we need to repeat anyway.
- Kuchikitaicho Visitors to Awesome -> befitting the dignity and our love of Kuchiki-Taicho, we have returned the favor for the weekend with her and they brought to us. And Bleachshoot, our Geschenkaustauschung and our girls talks about certain things and people (Mr. Butterfly, and so xD) were really awesome. Happy at any time. PS: shopping at Penny ruled as Ichigo with Nanogetsu on the back ^ ^
- Hatscho (Augsut) -> too bad that we Kawa and small L (oser) not for "Beat the Mod!" could finish, we were just a bit late. Even if the mods then came right at us and told us that we would have been their preferred opponent. But as for other girls Fangirls participants we have given a good figure and on the next Hatscho we will probably finish already. dance and again with Kawa. This has to be easy. ^ ^

Uff, we have not really done much lately. Something is called a Fleiß.xD

Too late on the last Hatscho we were by the way, because right now I'm fully in the application process and on the day had a Vrostellungsgespräch. The conclusion of that day, I suppose it is corrosive in the car to switch to a pair of pants. ; D
Last week I had already completed an internship, but that was not entirely mine and they looked the most similar, so it was abbreviated, but yes na. That's a long story. But now even hang upside down can not, life goes on. ^ ^

I am the way, been to the hairdresser and have now compared to before but relatively short hair. And tomorrow we will go again to the hairdresser, because ... Izuru, so the Academy version will be tweaked and is a professional fine but I manage. In general terms wigs I'm probably super soon. Just in the last week I got 5 new (and there is no one more) and found that I have to make good short black hair. . Simply because my ^ ^
are getting I Izuru (-> for Nichisamstag), Inui (-> for Nichifreitag) Abarai (-> for Nichisonntag, and what FS ; R'n great shade of red she has) and three other black wigs, which is just two and a long. The longer of Lau will probably take for Momo. ^ ^ The
Wigs are all awesome and even cooler is probably that our Cos are there. I may so call now and a proud mother of a Seigakus Academy Cos and wah, I love it. Especially my Seigaku jacket I love madly. Wah, I want the finite Connichi. Only 23 days. ♥
The Connichi is awesome anyway. On the Bleachtreffen we somehow already know half the people, because they all come from here and how somehow all the people who know us, we all love who do not do it anyway. Sounds cocky, is so, but it is easy so.xD
I'm looking forward to it and run around on the Gotei 13 meeting as an Academy group - because it is nobody or not many of our kind, that's for ever. Gin - which will come as Acagin - also looks forward almost more than we do. What is sweet somehow.
I'm actually more curious about how often we will quote on the day singing BuriMyu. Because somehow we do not make it one day at least not one of her songs to sing at the Saturday and we have to at least "Tsuki yo Oshiete kure" and to "high risk, no return" the Vorrercht. And Hasi and I will quote on any Saishu Ketteida as soon as we Mitsu or another Rukia comes along.
I also look forward to when we will look together really the Buri-casting. I want to take on any case my Echizen-Cap. That and something about BuriMyu (preferably with matching dance to) have cited really werden.xD
Oh, and how we love ore / enemy and Co.KG at the moment and stalk. This is true even schön.xD
We will be as beautiful on the Nichi. That's not all wonderful. Hopefully no one Hasis records and my Tuti-laugh, if we notice that again. Ah, yes, we are grad here: I HATE Tuti. So, meet my good deed of the day. ♥
any case, the Nichi super and I'm I'm already like sleeve on it. ^ ^

Hasi and I are way too busy once again been filled. We are
Anime Fair again progressed and so full time and have some new found love people. ^ ^
A detailed list of our anime is at Mexx out in my Steckis, so I save it to me, here the play again, but some things have to stop but can be mentioned.
I love Mada Mada Dane. Junko has it beat on it. You defeated us again and again. And I do not mean on the way in which Namikawa, Seki and Ueda do it every 10 minutes. Even in Echizen, we could not believe it, that we simply could not hate this boy, even if we have really tried. And now we watched last weekend Loveless and it is hard to categorize: Konitan is even there, even in NER lead role, but who we love, even if the kind of odd? Ritsuka. If Ritsi to his and Echis "yada" attaches, then our heart swells with joy and even sigh, I love Junko. Konihoni course, but is simply a Sobi bissl boring, but still cool. In the OVA, we have even more in the way a crush Junko and Koni, because there just make the shit and phew, they are all so awesome.xD
Now it is at least as far come that we are just as intoxicated with love, as it was when Skip Beat the case, and we will - just like SB - read the manga. Because we want to know how it goes. They're really schlimm.xD

We, the awesome Team Badass, with its members, "Miss Mellaby victory" and "Victory Gla-dys", incidentally, have found another way to build fan base around us. On Mexx we have found such a wonderfully beautiful FF, we now MSTing-en and wahahaah. Not only do we have as fun as Hulle turn, no, love it all and throw away non-stop. As evidenced by the Commission. We plan once held high the week a chapter, so that people can have beautiful long as it and we are not in default, but let's see if we put it that way. ^ ^ I love
us jedenfalls.xD * Kuchiki-taichos hair approvingly blowing in the wind *

By the way: If Kuchis hair can always blow on Kommanda ... He carries a wind machine around with him or how he does it? Or is he such a Medusa? Kuchikidusa? xD xD xD
I like the nickname ...^^

We now also have to conclude, for I know not great, which I could say.
^ ^ Oh yes, I Bleachmangas the full, thanks to the B-day gift from my parents, what we have now finally have a time. And I love everything and everyone again. ^ ^ °
Furthermore, I can say is that I probably should start to distance myself from online shopping before I get a problem with it. I've previously bought two pairs of shoes grad. However, had to be well again. ^ ^ °

So then, although I hear even now on again because I do not know the one, as I said what I could say great and go to another I still like to Hasi, when I thus should not be soaking wet.
^ ^ And now I can only hope, that will rub off in the future Nagas good influence on me. :) See yu

PS: I've discovered twitter for me. That is, it could well be that there now and I could write more than here, so I just sit here with the link inside. ^ ^

Sun Matane ~! Matakoooondooo. Tuti * tret *

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bathing Suit Masterbation

Where is my body? Where is it? Well, dear Tatsuya, everywhere except at Nao. ^ ^

Many a time I've now been made Fangirleinträge, but this time it MUST be really. I can not even defend myself against.
It is a very special young Man, also known under the title "the sun" and to clarify that again, I show it to you also the same again. Simply because it is so beautiful. ^ ^

Yes, the good old days and how he looks at the moment. A great guy, right? ^ ^

But now to the reason for my (at the moment, I do love him always) Fangirlness.
Just read for yourself:

You know, I really think Tuti-san should open up his own shop. He could stock the brands of alcohol he likes - he's got really good taste! And he could decide the menu, too.
Ah, he could have Eiji-san be in charge of the cooking! And Usui-san and I want to be the whiny, complaining employees! Usui-san can take care of the register. And
Nagayama-san can design the uniforms! And
Eiki-san can be in charge of getting us started with some capital, using his personal connections.
Kope can draw up the menu, and Naoya-san-san and 69Kura can dance at the shop,
And Shougo-san can tend bar! That'd totally suit him ...

-Isaka Tatsuya.

Is not kawaiii? So what wrote, the sweet, if he feels like it.
this shop the way I want. So, people, Tatsuya you has already said what you have to do. So making times. ^ ^

I'm going to go to dream now further from my dream shop.
^ ^ See ya.

Butt Transplant How Much

We are a Twix!

Declaration track
We are to visit all of them work
Chisaii + + all
wedding gifts

Hanami + Weekend
BuriMyu T___T
Prince of Tennis by now in the OVAs at

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How To Connect An External Hard To My Tv

Kiri ga Ichiban. Iiiiiikoooooooo! xD

do not ask me what is going on but now I have a catchy tune from cheap Mr Seki, with his anthem "Kiri ga ichiban" that's great and awesome and I totally can sheepishly grin - especially as I AMV images before my eyes - because it is simply awesome. Sounds logical, right?

Hello, I'm back!
And on multiple Weise.xD
For one, I'm just once again proud of myself because I make it really here to update regularly. Yay me, Naga would be proud of me, too. And Sanyo is one example would accept me. Hm .. I still lack the Starbuck Coffee in hand. Does it have to do just the cappuccino-latte thing, which is just beside me. ^ ^ I want
Chai Latte have ... . (I need to purchase ^ ^ Back

Attentive people would be thinking "huh how does? they pay for that, their chai latte, but she has no job. " Haha, I was wrong! For today I had my first day as "Lordess of the Ice Part II" and it was awesome. As crazy as it sounds, but I think it's great to work again. I again what to do and by the way I feel so well again to make money. Double awesome. And I like my new colleagues and Monja and Richard were there again so nice to me and were happy that I'm back and told me that I'm doing all well and fully as if there never a break of half a year was and so and so. I feel as well, and can thus first a bit . Breathe And now I do what I do mind at rest from the summer. For I know still do not see but once.
Cool, I also think that I am earning now 7 € an hour, because I'm in the second year and so and yay. Our Cosplaypläne can therefore be made in true peace.

^ ^ I will probably now way Kira in Academy cosplay . Is already set to about 97%. Hehe, just like we change our Meinung.xD

Back II:
Heheh, Jenny and I are washcloth and soft eggs. Is this a cause for celebration? A bit, yes.
Even before a few days I had myself so persuaded again to participate in Bines RPG where I mieme so the Dorian Gray blend containing an arrogant ass-Stars, and yes, it makes fun in person to the imagination sein.xD
Now comes but added that Jenny and I again joined in Ouran are. Why? How exactly I do not know the times, but somehow, thanks to the 14.Band Miyano and noticed that I like anyway and then had again Bock taking notes there. The mere happy to Laura to make. Or so. Actually, I'm not selfish enough so all the set as a top priority, but it's a nice aftertaste, that was trying Ochibi erknuddeln to us. Because of course I have also asked Jenny if she re-join in with the promise that I would then take over Tamaki (yes it is and remains the very best Kyoya ever ^ ^). Now I play as Mr. Suo and in addition - of course - Mori. Yeah, much as I can not say any more, because yes is still quite fresh, but will once again be a San Awesome-sacrifice and thus we are having fun and I'll make Tama, I have to think it over. For this is not so easy. But it is already. ^ ^

Where we are on RPGs, I thought I'd get bug and Heart a read and bissl hahahah, I love us. We are just simply awesome. Although we make bug skips more than anything, but come in and bug barely move. Anyway, we are awesome!
I liiiiiebe, dear, dear Masakazu. (In both .^^). And Yu-kun and Masakazu, one probably. or together with Ken-chan is just awesome. You throw away as a break, even if one has since logged. What is especially cool. So I like our own work. Self-praise, but when it is earned, then must be simple. And I find that I can really let Hisagi from time to time be pretty cute. When writing itself, I'm always not so sure because I can do it, but if I read you retroactively, that is quite grown so well, I would say. It is certainly very nice to laugh because of what their own almost from the ground liegt.xD
In Burichi I also fully enjoy the moment. No matter in which now. It is to write beautiful Kira, Abarai-kun if he either wants to turn his neck-or whines because he and Hisagi-senpai again made something. Hehe. Would it even Kubo draw something that would be awesome. It's funny in any case when the two angels of peace plan as Abarai could suffer, etc. And we is training with the Hado Bakudo and write times, and so very funny. So I learn the fact, he. ^ ^ Well, now we see as progress in the future. We fillers namely at the moment like irgendwie.xD
are moving forward to create the Jennys it? Stay tuned.xD

the way! I've continued with the translation of Shoebox Project . Wohoo, I am proud of myself. ^ ^
'm still in the first chapter, but oh well. It is getting more with time.
^ ^ And I will again marry Sirius and Lupin, but that's nothing new. ^ ^ I have way more

done it before, from the BuriMyu I been a further time I looked for some to find other Best Ofs, cut out the videos and yay, now we have beautiful versions and all. Hai hai. Now I only
must again find the time to move on. But some day I can manage them. ^ ^ By the way

. I've recently read again a bissl in Bleach and I love again alles.xD
Whether Aizen, or Shinji, IBA, or just Momo Hisagi and Kira. And I'm about a million images cut out, but one of them I love besonders.xD

A quarrel of lovers. ^ ^ Byakushis hand! A Starbucks cup! Hime>! ♥
To make them bigger click on it, as ever. ^ ^ \u0026lt;

So, and with these images at the end I say goodbye. ^ ^ I will now
Lie to me, and GameOne Good Wife look. Finally, the all great and Logan is here. ^ ^

See ya.
Kyoritz Ignashov.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How To Make A Cap Rack

enslaved, but happy! ♥

Wahaha, I think that is what I promise or what? Straight Sunday made only one entry and now comes the very next. I'm so awesome! ♥
Or just lazy, because I want to make a hundred little better than 20 entries murderer things that I will be sitting years. So from that.

Monday, 19.04. It was time again and my person is aged for a year. What I personally on the one hand, of course, awesome find, because your birthday is great, but then again, it is also stupid, because I do not end ten special'm boring now 20th Meh. But maybe I just do it to Fran Fine and say 16 times that I turned 19. At some point then we will take it off me no more and I have to start to age again, but at least I have such a few years in which I can separate me from my dream age. Hach, as touching.
The day itself was actually quite good, just very quiet, because now it was a Monday and at all times. At exactly zero Clock Hasi has called me and determined 2 hours we still talk about God and the world, or indeed PoT, Bleach, and TeniMyu BuriMyu and looking forward to. I in particular, because my Hasi me now congratulate the same time as the first one. Although taxi was offended, but that he was not the first, where he had sent to an ENS 00:00:53 me and stuff. But well, tough luck. Around noon, I still have sms from Lau and Jassi, a Cyelo of ENS and the phone rang a few times for me what's always been unusual. But that day probably had not as much as usual, when my mom from work then we have tea together and made cakes for us and so a little "celebration". The rest of the evening was fairly quiet, I am gedüppelt Lapi, written with Jenny and then of course my TV night with Flash Forward and Supernatural had. Normally given. Later, I then - probably because Lupin has me once again brought to the taste - the third Part of "The Count of Monte Christo" turned on while enjoying After Eight, what else should I cancel it? The day was to me at least cause enough to open my Awesomepackung. So then the day went by and life now on. Yay.

Today I then phoned quite a while with Jenny, but then when I turned on my Lapi to go online, I had no name, so I'm in a roundabout way again come out to bug ö . Open And as I have just read while writing with Jenny in it and am again something of a passion for us. Not only
"waves of passion" with their stars Fred and George has caused my enthusiasm. Also kun Shotaro Muramasa, is to sing along with Sakurai "furigana rubi" in the duet is just. awesome Wow, we can surely invent so cool name. Namikawa-san like it very much as a landlord. Hach, I like us. Only that we vorskipen
is always so meh, but oh well, we do so now no more. Even if we get so little from the spot. . After all, better than when everything happened in a post ^ ^

Today we have also made plans - something that is our hobby anyway, lol -. How to proceed with our Anime Look- behavior and things like that and also that we are again with Ochibi , Fuku-chan and take Mitsu should Hai Hai..
We want to make the way, probably Friday or Saturday night because we can meet our obligations, while still liked to have enough time Prince of Tennis, the series to end. Hai, after all, that is only 23 episodes. So anything that can deal a long time, hai hai. Well, still have everything on hold. ^ ^ Anime
About 15 min from. 6 come out until summer. But that's good, we have always something to do, right? And here we go again Ouran broadcast in part because I read through the 14.Band again I noticed that this is great but only at the moment absolutely not (even if it is already on the mend ). So we will certainly see episode 24, so that we can again anfangirlen Tamaki. ^ ^
Where we are at the grade, in 10 of our early anime he's here, you might say, then, that we are on an absolute Love Trip are. And that makes us like nothing. And why, Miyano is awesome! What is the reason why we are probably busy right now so the music raise from him, because that is great. Ha, the music of Ouran we also need. ? Ne ^ ^
We will in any case begin to PoT either Vampire Knight - where indeed Miyano, and we must finally put behind us - or with Kobato. , Durarara! or at least with all of PoT OVAs + Movies - which I now have us so well without any difficulties distended in a few hours. We are as yet not quite sure what it is for now. But all we want to see, so it's only a matter of time.
Friday I will attend any event Hasi again and then the great watching on. With what ever. ^ ^
And we will share a lot of music, Miyano and such, and certainly Hasi new pictures for me and such. So once everything is great.

^ ^ I will now read either a bit or at least what sleep or watch or something, let's see.
Wow, that's great that the entry has become so short. I'm a fan davon.xD

See ya.
Trun Peste.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Recent Advances In Piriformis Syndrome

Seigaku Game. Yaaaay! - Mada Mada Dane.

Hi, Sekshi desu! ♥
Hi, George Virgil Cooney desu!
Hi, Kyoritz Ignashov desu!
Hello, tadaima. ^ ^

And in the newer design. Well, actually I'm only up to a Avas completely replaced, but at least something, right? I was then, so also now the new Standardava. Byebye, Naru and welcome, Hokuto-chan. On a good time together. ^ ^

I warn against ever the same, this is a pure Fangirleintrag , because I have not seen much exciting of activities.
However, one can see only at the idea of my new nickname that Hasi and I have often met again, as always, what with lots of fruit, as indeed has often noted, but more on that later. ^ ^

structure To the fangirl thing, I will arrange everything and a little bit so at least I hope that my plan works out, and I'm trying zusammenzureißen, but I know already that this will not be able to fold. But for the first time to this.

Let's start in to Bleach . Since we are
now at episode 266 and last week officially zanpakutō filler stopped, certainly not without reason that we mourn, even if everyone else believes the super. Okay, admittedly, we are always glad to follow the consequences of the manganese content, but somehow it was great to see whizzing around Zanpakutos. And not only because we now have a large part of the name from them. (Gonryōmaru, I curse you!)
In the last episode there was even a bit of Jenny Fanservice because Izuru could be but actually a little talk with Wabisuke, lol, so Sakurai himself is true yet it's not much, but still. And of course it was awesome to see Shushu Kazeshini and bounce around there and sigh, everything was beautiful. Or the cooking session, Renji when bathing or Izuru with Iba and Iemura on the toilet was very entertaining, what we got so only thanks to Senbonzakura face. And we remember just about all the beautiful ShuKira moments that we have only really the "ShuKira-Noises made aware. Zaraki, I love you still does not suggest that you take a moment and by the way broken Wabisuke have made dead. And Ichi must still make up for that he has hacked Shini, the bum. For their happiness is all Pakutos is all well and I think the only reason I forgive them for the appropriate time.
Anyway, I can say that I liked this filler and would have liked to seen a bit meh, but probably no later than nine months, we certainly get a new filler, because Kubo then only once again be characterized as a large he, because his lead is gone. And even if the IchiHimeUlqui Part are not exactly what has my interest, what comes next I will definitely Case see animated. (Tosen. .. T___T) From then on, it's actually quite good that it now continues. So let's see if Kubo really creates this conclusion by the Arc of the manga catches up with him. Good luck, right?
Filler leave their things happen more often so happy, so it is expected that the more often Zanpakutos again embody. Looking forward now, ever. ^ ^
The latest OP spoilert way so much that you have to watch the episodes not even in principle. Of the total Resurrección come over Ichise Mega form, the battles that soon, Bankais been said as everything else indicated shown equal or even completely. If I would not know anyway, I would think I was a bit pissed. But oh well, but the ending of the images is broadcast to all sweet time, because they all run around in civilian clothes. And of course, Shu and Izu are together again. * Noise * What else?
Well, Bleach continues, will be great and what is in the chapters is even, one has to question anyway. Kubo is a god. Aizen looks Hammer, Isshin is there, Gin has unpacked his Bankai and Ichi is to please get a little bit behind the ears, but do not die naturally. But I will definitely Case-Ichimaru and Izuru Taicho fight because the one just like that and everything. All right Ichi can help him, yes, if it goes to me but should rather make Matsu, which unfortunately is only just a little broken. What Izuru, you know not that really never seen him. Presumably he snogs grad with Shu and therefore is unable to, ahem. Well, I for one am curious what to come. ^ ^

is So, and now I propose two wheels. And no, so I do not even want the service to our informer, whose name I will not name of course (there are Eiji, Tuti and Naga in particular.) Allude. But actually it's a very good Überleitung.xD
I think I'm really addicted. Point. Awareness is the first road to recovery, or as they say?
I do not know what I have done BuriMyu and TeniMyu , but not a day goes by where I do not see either a video of it, or what backstage term, or just listen to songs like this. And it bothers me in any way. I love the simple. Just as the types of it, so Hasi and I have started it, even stalkers to become what I intend to do professionally. Can I namely good, lol. Almost every day We look at their blogs to read and (in the case of Jenny pretty much ^ ^) or just look at what we can do because the spinners so much use of their camera phones. What I am, of course, he. Thus, our image folder is growing almost daily. 45% of the content is Nao, 45% Naga and the rest will aufgeteitl to 20 other people. Super is mixing ratio, or ^ ^
The very great: there is a new Dream Live is coming soon and the directors knew just what is good, because ... Cast the first is Back in Awesome! Well, Abe is unfortunately not there, not sure but this Kengo Echi stupid and what it is we know not yet, but Sota, Nao, Naga, Eiji, Tuti and Sanyo are thought to have muy much fun as they point to very many Bildis. Okay, Eiji howls again or constantly looks like he would at any moment, but oh yes, yes this is normal.xD
nice gentlemen and ladies (Kumi-chan ♥) is partly due to any event that We have a lot of food for fangirls and we are never boring because the time and time again is great. Hach, it is still legal in love ever be so?
I mean, we love thanks to Kura roar just as idolatrous, that we want both the cosplay. Is that awesome or awesome? The
Club Super sweet , which belongs to our dear indeed Kura, Osamu-chan was just like the way an enriched: none other than Sota, his sign of the man I marry mö RIGHTS, if it did not mean that Nao me then eats the little fat guy Augenverdreh .* * But sigh, Sota. NO ONE I love the moment more, but somehow that's a good thing, right? I mean, so my love will be distributed to a person over and crushed anyone. ^ _ ^
And speaking of ; talk TeniMyu I must again which hold different: Tuti is not nice, why the Oishi, who has been the nicest person makes Mama Theresa If not more so nice, I mean, huh? I mean, the guy has to hold Kaido and Momo by constantly Kloppereien, must be the awesome, and very cute! Tuti I buy this pleasant demeanor simply does not. His pool is far too dirty for it alone. I understand that occupation is not easy, even if I am guaranteed not to complain. After all, he is so there. ^ ^
But Nao is just right. Finally, the dear little dork almost like his own roles. Kawaii, but somehow a little heads off and cool. No problem. ^ ^
Hach, I love you all.
♥ And the particularly. * Giggle *

And now the next transition. Seigaku Game, yay! ♥
Hehe, of course, is trying out Prince of Tennis .
^ ^ We have now arrived at episode 145 and can hardly believe in what a short time to happen is. And how big our Love to do so. I remember when we thought that we would have to force us and after a maximum of 5 episodes already howling in agony, but what is? Now we make plans to watch the thousands of grieving and that soon it is over. Can you believe it? Yes, it is.
It is tennis. I mean, tennis. . But oh well, it happens to be awesome ^ ^
We have never laughed so much in a series - not even bleach or anything else having done so. I do not really know. Simply wipe away tears of laughter sooo cool .* * As
us in our preliminary research has already said yes, this series is just awesome characters. We love except "Michael Jackson" Kirihara and "the bitch" Kevon Smith pretty much everyone, or at least like him. And our Cosplaypläne are also influenced them, but more on that later. From the People of the Seigaku we do not even start, because like / we really love all, even Fuji - though largely due Kimeru ♥ - and Echizen, but which again got our very own variety of se. We work hard for us as to him not to like, and when he plays we make it too, but then he kills again so horny comments that you just have to like him. ("Oh, well I am not again." "I did not think I mean." - "Can ye not win the game in single 3" "Are you for? this sentence all the way here? "-" I go home. "-" Mada Mada Dane ") Echi makes it really impossible that you do not like him!. Perhaps because he is like and I Hasi. And when Kaidoh, Momo and Kikumaru have to ask you do not know why we love so much. Inui and brings us to laugh, which always makes for "we love him." Oshi and has yelled at the most by his performance as a mom in our hearts. Tezuka is the Bucho, the one can not not like! He is awesome. As you can see already, we really like them all. Any other reason. Charawhores as a textbook.
But the school is probably the most beloved of us and remains Fudomine. Finally, there are also all of our heart leaves, as Ibu Shinji san, Tachibana, Kamio, Miyano = Ishida, Sakurai and such. And her name we can use best. Thanks to the extra episode of the things we can Hyotei now pretty well where we like a lot, especially Atobe and Jiro ("I am soo disappointed!"). The St.Rudolph with our beloved Mizuki is of course awesome too. If only because the next Fudomine Seigaku and maybe just has the coolest uniforms, which we all have. And the school uniform of Hyotei because that is also chic. In Rudolph, of course, Dane, Yuta Fuji (I love his full name xD), Strahleman, Atsushi, and so we even fully like. If only because we may also provide their name. From Yamabuki I just like Sengoku (Lucky! And no, now I do not think of Momo but I chan.xD Tu. ^ ^) And Akutsu, perhaps Grimmi, so Dan, the others are somehow uncool. From Rokuku I barely memories, but I think that were stupid, just like the Rikkaidai, but there're at least still Yukimura Sanada and where I think are really gay. Well, of these schools we are now able thanks to this extra thing a few names, like those of Saeki, Amane, Aoi, Renji, Bunta, etc. and also those which the school Konitan us, somewhat impressed. But all are pretty uninteresting. Actually I like anyway Seigaku, Fudomine, Rudolph and Hyotei. The other schools might be a good person, but I do not begrudge them the victory thus won it yet. ^ ^
Fudomine, go!
way, I apologize again formally at Konitan that we missed his presence and not him fully registered, we were distracted and have gequasselt and reflects his gay ear ring, because we have simply not been listening . He sounds as we know and love. But oh well ... the earring. I'm certainly very sorry and I promise it will not happen again. Just that we forget Inui. Sunmason .* giggle *
But as sure as we see Konitan always, we are too poor for Namikawa. Is a second Seki. In PoT he is Otori and we can hear it pretty often, but you can see the gaaaaar not so pure. He is too good, I admit defeat me this one. He is like Seki and Ueda. Well, still have Koni. ^ ^
God, I could tell such a lot and fangirls from all the awesome scene, but then I know I never stop again, so I just stick with the mention of the people. Finally, I know who I like.
^ ^ However, I also want a butler, someone like Atobe, where I have to just flip, so he gives me something to drink or something. Or a Kabaji, following my instructions, and so on.
We Celebrate any event lasting ourselves, because we now dominate so many names and have a lot of fun to say the names of the persons who are currently in the picture. So to speak, we have developed our own learning game. Speaking of game: we love most recently, the Seigaku Game, yay, because that is awesome!. Too complicated to explain here the rules, but that's also the "best person in the world," namely, none other than himself Sota in the baking day for me. This man is just simply awesome. I do not know how to give my love words. He is so kawaii and yet so cocky sometimes and just awesome. With his jokes that he really all the Inui Juice, mixed by the in the coffee pot tips and all that. Or his Naohüpfer, whom he loves dearly anyway. Yes but all the love. Miyano, eg Yes, our Miyano. And Kimeru, my current favorite person number 2, because no one else is such a beautiful female snake and the way a hair horny-hop-Fuji. Hach, I go into raptures dream .* * * Sota and wants Kime, the other as well ^ ^ *
Yes, as you can read, I'm in love. In all of them. In PoT
itself probably the most in Kaido, even if the difficult to determine at all someone is to be able, simply because they're all so cool. But Kaido is so cute! I do not even find out the most. If he gives his injured Momokumpel his cloth, or if he Inui anfangirlt and cheering, which is indeed always be Superloveydovey, or if he is playing with cats or Kuropin or after them running through bushes, or Lucky rescues, or if it points to a Date, respectively, or when he is run over by Momo and bank robbers, or rather, if he hurries around as a little hissing baby with pacifier in his mouth with his tricycle. Oh man, I want this guy and hug.
♥ And Nao, our little sweetheart, the guy makes great again. Just as the Sota has done so at Inui. I mean, at the very beginning we have before we knew the anime already Momo and Kaido loved but hated Inui, because that was always verpairt with him and we found bah. Anyway, we liked him no play. And thanks to Sota we have ever given him ne chance and love him so much as we do now. Thank you, Sota. After all, you
have helped us so well to a new pairing. For indeed, only we do not have bitched about it and said something else, but the two are really cute together, if you have the correct author. And we have. Who writes so well and sweet and funny and awwww, you want to marry her. And after all FF of ShuKira , which therefore are already in large part to relatively depri emo, it's great for Inukai real time that it is not so. And I like that they rarely go to smooch. I mean, it is logical that both are höchsten14-16, as does not make anymore. In any case, no one with sense. And they have, especially Inui. Now I've re-read what Bock of which or gucken.xD
Our plans are in any case that we want to look for the series, the OVAs and the movies. We just do not come away from this series. And out until the new Dream Live is it will also take time ever. Sorry. But we get so maybe in 2-3 months the new BuriMyu, then we can continue to fangirl. ^ ^
As TeniMyu ... we must calm our nerves really well. The second Cast looks at first glance simply just scheuslig. And it promises to be worse with every cast. But we give them a fair chance and then we will see. But I already know that I will cry at least Inui. In Fuji I would be very busy to laugh with. And feel bad for Tezuka with me. God, I will have Kengo again ...
Echis "Mada Mada Dane" by the way caused a running joke with us. In every possible situation, we quote it at the moment and throw us away always so wonderful, because that's usually so mean. One example was: "Echizen-kun, I ... like you. Very. So ... "" Mada Mada Dane. "Wegtuss * * Yes, it is the love Echi. Little girls simply Cancels Herz.xD
And what we love to imitate very well the hand movement of the chin either Mizuki or better still by Fuji, or the "Tsubame gaeshi" in the Kimeru version, that is really Sho s gay. Or the snapping of Atobe or ... woah, all. We also like to whisper or say: BURNIIIING, Taka-san of course the beloved. ^ ^
Arg, I can no longer stop. But there are also so much to say about it and write. So we make it short.

♥ And Eiji, Tuti, Naga, Nao, Eiki and Kendo that you have brought us out at all and thank our Fangirlgen that we also look in any case wanted to do with all the background knowledge of the series. Now we are indeed slaves, but happy ♥

Oh, what must not be missing any good anime. We have decided who we are. Thanks to we have decided that I have Katsuo and Jenny Kachiro , Michel our Horio and Lau and Jassi are the Fangirlis. So far so good. yesterday we somehow came up with the idea that Hasi also Kikumaru because we want to cosplay the times or whatever reason. Since Kiku course, never walking around without his Schnucki, I must of course Oishi make, but the cosplayt like Fuji. Sun only way I'd be uncomfortable fühlen.xD

Then of course, was recently also Laus birthday and who has brought more than a great fun night with SingStar and malibu manga and determined 10 kg new Hüftgold because of the many delicious food. At some point, have all but Jassi, Hasi and I almost slept and there has my Fuku Devil May Cry unpacked and played, we as her audience. So I was Virgil and Dante Jenny, what then was added to George Clooney. Thanks to "My own ... Shakira "have to show a few days ago we the amazing Similarity to his remarks, so we have renamed ourselves.
And thus were created: George Clooney & Dante Virgil George Clooney ♥
Mimi * Shobu style ^ ^ * by the way got new nickname. From MI was chan- Mitsu , what now can be individually converted to Mitsugaya and Mitsukuni . Clever, is not it? Man, we are awesome.
♥ Lau received the nickname Ochibi . It must prevail only still with us. ^ ^

Lately I've also made some changes. Klein started and now a little bit increased.
Not quite two weeks it started when we have our Mexx Steckis pimped extreme, which we now really cool Itembilder, Ava's new, all updated and Nao, Nao, Naga, Tui, Kura, Eiki, Naga, Eiki, Nao, and Gomoto in Stecki have. Oh, I almost missed Nao. You realize how much we love him Surely not?, Right? The
Spacken looks but unfortunately also far too great to enable people to worship him. It is common. ^ ^
Furthermore I am on a trip cleaning in terms of my folders. The pictures I have so far been nice again, renamed and sorted, need only delete a lot. But I can do so at any time. I have continued to make in that I have once again made a backup copy on Wabisuke and after that I have actually managed to rename almost all music. I am so totally awesome!
Jaha, and this has of course brought me to my umzubestücken Ize get out and now I knock myself on the back, because I have found in the shallow of my order complex really great music, much of which I had already forgotten . And again I love the Potter musical.
^ _ ^ Yesterday we did another Style Change . And that fact. For six months we were finally back to the hairdresser, and now I like it again, I herumzugrabbeln in your hair. I'm such a Nao (Not only is he niedergematscht of all he does it so xD). In any case, we now have hair again, using some of our Awesomeness. And the right nails to even, because old ladies as we need now times gaudy nails, which ended at Hasi in a red and me in a magenta. Must be mentioned that we were with Ross? Every important man knows what we heißt.xD

And now I have found again the perfect transition. After Yay.xD
we had fancy nails (I note this not mean that you saw us tied up and trolls are painted with his hands behind his back, the nails have ... with the teeth!) We went to Hasis bathroom and have tried it out how it looks, if we NEN bar again song makeup, because I can so for the cosplay at the con have. And well, we'll have to practice more. Somehow, the works still not pretty. ^ ^ °
Since we may do it again guys, we wanted to let's see if we look at the kiss-proof Mä ; dchenlippen somehow male and could schminken less red, which we have used my concealer. Well, it goes, but the optimal solution, it is now not in use. So we must continue searching. But we have already decided that we will now make makeup evenings. So the cuts already. ^ ^ If we
for Con already planning our sleep and shower behavior, then the make-up well with the hinhauen.xD
And I need a way to conjure away my eyebrows without plucking or . bleach But that will somehow. ^ ^
So Cosplay . Haha, as always a sensitive issue, because I never can tell what Cos it be before July because. Finally, we decide to every two minutes. How fortunate that our Sunday idea is so great, otherwise the other way been threw it ten times. At least since we know Fudomine. ^ ^
As Cosplay of PoT I have already said that we definitely all of Seigaku to make anyone from St. Rudolph, Fudomine and the school uniform of Hyotei be. Have to decide just who and what and all that. But as we always do not have the money, which is still time. ^ ^
Bleach other hand, is much more complicated. After all, we want to make two days, right? Actually, it was already determined that I will do on Saturday Yachiru, but it micht annoying that people will make 1000, so I will probably change your mind. As Jenny Lau's decision to make because, even in the Shinigami Hime, is also not so thrilled, that looks really good on us as we wanted for ages, and Shu will make as Izu Academy. If we do not think what even better that I spontaneously but sometimes negative. Yet. ^ ^
Friday is yet again something completely different. Our new best friends and Tutiya Nagaya - who feel we have to stalk them because we are, wherever they are xD - do on Friday Arrancartreffen make and we play with the idea to participate. Would see only once, whether we participate as true, so to say have a Arrancarcos. Jenny would be nothing dazzling, she wanted to do anyway Hime, but I had to throw overboard Shinji. Hm .. I do not need many nights sleep over it.
^ ^ Anyway, we have again properly research and plan material. But also is rolling the dice in terms gut.xD
Cosplay at least not yet. ^ ^ But where

Speaking of Izuru and Shuhei, I can even announce what we bought great. To unserwe Fangirlness give even more expression to key supporters, we now have of them and awwwww that are so sweet, you want to hug her. Or can smooch, which again heard the "ShuKira-noise" is. Woahaha to play with figures has rarely done so much fun. ^ ^

zukünfitge for our pleasure is the way, also by ensuring that we now have about 15 anime on the queue that We will watch and phew, that is awesome and super. In nearly every make Ono, Miyano, Sakurai or Konitan with, or all and more of our Schatzis. Wahaha. We will no longer be boring, because we will soon know everything nyähahaha. Hehe.
^ ^ And I'm really curious how Kuroshi II is Sakurai. I want the seiyuu event haben.xD
Maybe next Sakurai yes again Suwabe there. Ono or even, as former butler and all. Hach, what great ideas. ♥

So, and now I can proudly announce that I have accepted a project, which should be necessarily made. That is why I do it, too. With friendly and awesome support of my beloved Hasi ^ ^ For
. the translation work the Shoebox project was resumed.
Yay, I celebrate myself and am proud of myself that I have continued to make real and Wahaha. This is awesome ^ ^
PS. I love all there again ♥
Update. somewhere in the middle of the first chapter ^ ^

So, and so I stop here now at this point..
Has so much now but once again poured from my magenta tip fingers, right?
I was trying, from now on not to launch ever so much. Ganbatare!

See ya.