Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jthm Mobile Wallpapers

A few thoughts

a) I believe that my relationship sooner or later does not make sense. Both my mind and my drive to make because too often thwart the bill.
b) I know I would be unhappy as a single. Although the relationship at the moment as the dominant problem, it is not. But perhaps a building block of many to happiness.
c) There is thought (at Ex, to other acquaintances, to prettier women), strengthening my doubts about the relationship, while others thought (Merry nature, caring, kindness, love the girlfriend) make me doubt it. Outweigh the time a thought, sometimes the other ... No consistency, therefore, in my feelings.
d) inference making is only possible if the counter-feelings dominate. Unfortunately, however, causes the make sorry that finish the thought, the relationship can not prevail. So a kind of dilemma, or you could say also, a Nash equilibrium:-D The question is how to come out of there ... I think there is only one answer ... It is your out of balance That force which will be very painful. I do not know if I pack: - / Actually, I atte I made for today ... for this evening, chatting .... whether'll grab ego? Should I support the Contra thoughts? Definitely makes sense if I am determined. Difficult situation, again ...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Insurance Reinstatement Value

early morning ... In the south

hold two thoughts I want to.
first Thought: A weesentlicher difference between fish-swarm and Lolli model is that the Loli-rational model of adult sets the direction of two persons, whereas in the fish swarm the overall direction of the sum of individual fish is produced. A rational, the guiding force there is not really in the fish model. The question is also how it gives in reality a MENSCHNER. Perhaps one can consider the rational, the guiding force as a dominant, direction determining fish mitlenkt entscheident the swarm. This could of course be dominant differently depending on the person.
I think ultimately it boils down to whether one really has control over himself and his behavior, and how far they may be unconsciously determined. Depending on either the fish or lollipop model is better. As detemrinist, I must confess myself to the point to the fish model. That, I Was a behavior interpret the swarm when my self-determined behavior is ultimately just the result of the movement of individual fish.

second Thought. Morning. It occurs to me that I mrogens think differently. For example, I thought today mrogen that make the final, was not so hard, and I should do it quickly. But I think this idea into perspective in the course of the day. I attribute this feeling to two things: a) in the morning I am stunned, and may be less clearly assess situations, evaluate things, and b) I am also emotionally numb, insensitive, ie consequences Scherzliche connect me not so near.
I think the same symptom occurs even if I have a fight in the sport after me: The body is full of testosterone, which means that my soul insensitivity to pain, and my thoughts are less comprehensive.

Addendum: job went well today. I am at least so euphoric.
negative, however, is still the uncertainty of the damned. I know that I know nothing, but all will, and trust me nothing.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Rolling Duffel Europe

nothing new ...

And then came the now the third string. Essentially has not done much today. Today I had to work a very good idea and I hope that I will ultimately into a pre-application Chung, and can be taken of in my Diss. My colleague who works with me on the subject seems to sien also willing to support me on the way there. Booyah! Must now hopes to follow it acts. After work, I was eating pizza with work colleagues. The pizza was not that great, and now I'm Bausch pain, but while I sit in the pizzeria has suddenly this strange feeling. This feeling of leading a private, independent and free life, which I define themselves. A strange feeling, but a good one. I wonder if others feel this Menshcen experience as a permanent condition. Who knows, maybe the people with whom I have spent my life so far, completely emotionally on a different level, and have that certain something, which means they do not live in the despair. Well, maybe not. When I had stomach pain, I called my girlfriend udn her ears full of whining. Was fun :-) I wanted to annoy them, but ... mhm, ews probably was a situation in which I was looking for her neighborhood, because otherwise I probably would not have called ...
Well, so much to this day ...
Now on fish and Lollis, or even two models for my feelings.
first The fish swarm:
According to this model is my inner by a variety of different interests and / or needs (fish) characterized. These fish seek, in contrast to healthy people, in different directions as they verfoglen own goals, which means that the big picture, the swarm rips. Although a general trend can be seen the swarm here and there, and each fish is well aware that the swarm can only survive if he is a target, eg drives a food source, however, are with me, in Unlike other people who fish do not able to direct their interests in a common direction and coordinate themselves. Instead, they often aspire to the swarm, and thereby block it. The whole swarm movement in this model, that what might be described as a reason or goal in life is alss: The what, indeed, does not serve the individual fish directly, but benefits the entire flock and brings it forward. Fish are stupid, they do not follow any specific ideas, but to act intuitively. In healthy people, the fish usually follow intuitively the swarm, or their goals add up to the overall goal of the swarm. For me, every fish afraid to see his interests nciht as soon as the swarm moves and the fish must adjust its direction, so that ultimately only the swarm still drives in the flow and is moved only by this.

second The Lolli:
There is a rational adult I (Swarm), and an emotional, irrational I (fish). Here, the two selves are not charaktiersiert clear, but may have different properties and / or interest represent. In alltäglichn life can dominate both. It is important that dominates neither permanent, and that found in the necessary situations, the corresponding I act.

Phew, I need to determine what the to write two self I find difficult. the question of who should act when, and who take the role, is difficult to explain. Maybe I need to be done again exact thoughts, but basically I find the fish swarm idea at the moment easier. But the differences are not really so great, I think. Well, maybe I find everything again at the appropriate time to participate.

luck: 3
self-esteem: 6
confidence: worked 5
to me: 1

Monday, September 13, 2010

Brazilian Waxing Sayings

as Usual

So, Entry No. 2
We'll see a little effort it will cost, but if I'm in schreibfluß am, then it's actually even fun to write here.
Zunächsteinemal I wonder how I do in the future the subject line-select, because I fear there will come a thousand more days like today, because this day was average in every respect. So, how do we start. Today, a task for the Prof done, I actually found seltstverständlich ... No, I even feel dassi ch was negligent, and the task would have to do much earlier. Well, nothing more, despite the total thanked Prof at me ... I found strange, but flattered a little bit.
The bad news is that the contact with a colleague to whom I would like to build a friendship is something worse. He answers not always in Skype is offline suddenly, etc. ... I think he comes with my way not realize that I put a lot of questions and like to discuss. Well, is just so, perhaps I deceive myself also. Then
made after work sport. Was quite nice. Well have to be at least a guilty conscience lazy. A few pretty girls are attending, and I have actually changed one or the other word with them. I am still a bit uptight and have a feeling towards women I talk nonsense. Well, what the heck ....
Well, and so we're already back with my problem child theme: relationships. Actually I had planned to make final today. But there is probably nothing. Normally you should be happy but to make an end, because then the freedom in mind. Hmm, I got more scared and hurt her. The joke is too. Today I only have phone contact with her, and as I see them of course not, which means that my complicated in terms, "My girlfriend must be pretty" not come to bear. Anyway, I find it strange ... In photos, she always looks quite good, but in reality I suppose it always was as ugly. No, still does not change my decision ISHC that the relationship has no future. I just do not know what has to happen until it happens. I think it will happen, if it is present in reality. And still, when the pressure is unbearable for me, for example, on a walk where I see many other beautiful women ...
Just to come back to the topic of "aching-Can '... Yesterday I was chatting. There was also a girl of whom were all the other annoying, and have left the chat room easily. I could not do it just like that. I have talked with her until I am almost came out unscathed from the affair. can
I mean, I could have just failed ... I will never again have contact with her, I would insult you can, can insult, etc. Funny. Actually, yes I wanted
something written about schools of fish, and also changes on the relationship to the child-adult metaphor, which are very similar, but I believe that I in the face of the length of the text, which I have already written today.
Ok, rating for the day.
luck: 3
rating: 4
confidence: 3
freedom: 4
self-realization: 6 (sports content)

I fear the scores are always commute in this category 3/4-er. Since we do for the sport once again grappling. The resultant testosterone boost is awesome :-)

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Whats The Name Of The Piano Song Played In It

Sunday, Sunny, Boring

my first entry today. Whether it is also my last?
I do not know. I will try to advise a friend / boyfriend just, ausserdme shocn still times I had a kind of online diary write.
The question is: what public? The chance that anyone interested in me, I think is rather small, but well ... Schlimsmtenfalls I try to hold out just for me.
Ok, we come to the point: My day, My day was today
very confusing and exhausting. My friend was visiting there. As usual on weekends. Weekend relationship. And again I doubted the whole day, what to do. Constantly back and forth, as always. On the one hand, I see no future for us, but on the other hand I see her face then, and come before me terribly bad. I do not like it hurt . Do
It is not because of me. I get it okay to be alone. But I find it hard to hurt her. As a small child to take the candy away. I guess I'm just not selfish enough. What I care others, my life so I must live independently. Okay, the knowledge is unfortunately nothing new. But I only wish all the very best for them.
gaze times, how tomorrow is. With a little distance. And I am afraid that tomorrow I still would make less dnekne at the end. For since it is not there, I also do not feel that what is does not fit into our relationship, and separation always uncomfortable. Actually
I had made up my mind to make tomorrow's final, over Skype. This is perhaps easier. Simply typed quickly: you, the relationship is over. Off.
But tomorrow I will be sure the head somewhere else. Stress on the job, no time out powerd, no mood to stress.
Mhm, and yesterday a totally ugly guys with a ravishingly beautiful girlfriend seen in the city. The stress me. Life is unfair, because we should have a purely optical switch the partner.
Ok, lets see how often I will write similar posts here. I know actually saying that no alternative to separation is over. The sooner the better. But does not like the idea myself. " To the separation.
The question is what displeases me exactly. The answer is difficult. Of course there are memories, of course there are the lousy feeling to do someone harm.
As a child I was always very complicated in terms of separations: I even mourned umbrellas, I wnen they had lost on the train. Because I was so sad that we meet again. Something existing is destroyed for ever ... Whether I can relate to the relationship? And, how can you get let go.
released what one holds as Penny Lane yesterday or the day before the TV said. As release. How deal with it, the things in life come and go. That's normal.
Yes, my ex I just got the WE think very often. I miss them already, but I do not think me. I play with the idea to write her again. When I met her for the last time when we were already separated, the chemistry was right once again to 100%. I speak up a little, that she was the love of my life.
I'm afraid with my current Freunidn is not so, but it is such a good hearted person. They would all do for me, and I never do harm. Since I am quite sure. From an objective standpoint, it would be good to get the relationship up. But here
constantly enumerate the pros and cons of separation is really pointless. The answer is given already. It is not the question of whether but on how and when. I resolve to make through auto-suggestion to me more ... Maybe it works well ...

The day today in the summary: Long slept, watched Batman on TV, back to sleep, went walking, exhaustion Hangen, girlfriend passed now.

Review of the Day (10 very good - 0 bad):
self-actualization: 1 (Day design has often addressed after friend, alone I would have made things more interesting)
happiness: 4 (Lying in bed, to see the TV, the girlfriend poor, near, already ok) hope
: 4 (I'm free I just got this set from time to internalize, and thus gain strength) can

Next, Moe! and I what to write about again RIGHTS inner shoal. But not today, my pizza is ready now:-D