early morning ... In the south
hold two thoughts I want to.
first Thought: A weesentlicher difference between fish-swarm and Lolli model is that the Loli-rational model of adult sets the direction of two persons, whereas in the fish swarm the overall direction of the sum of individual fish is produced. A rational, the guiding force there is not really in the fish model. The question is also how it gives in reality a MENSCHNER. Perhaps one can consider the rational, the guiding force as a dominant, direction determining fish mitlenkt entscheident the swarm. This could of course be dominant differently depending on the person.
I think ultimately it boils down to whether one really has control over himself and his behavior, and how far they may be unconsciously determined. Depending on either the fish or lollipop model is better. As detemrinist, I must confess myself to the point to the fish model. That, I Was a behavior interpret the swarm when my self-determined behavior is ultimately just the result of the movement of individual fish.
second Thought. Morning. It occurs to me that I mrogens think differently. For example, I thought today mrogen that make the final, was not so hard, and I should do it quickly. But I think this idea into perspective in the course of the day. I attribute this feeling to two things: a) in the morning I am stunned, and may be less clearly assess situations, evaluate things, and b) I am also emotionally numb, insensitive, ie consequences Scherzliche connect me not so near.
I think the same symptom occurs even if I have a fight in the sport after me: The body is full of testosterone, which means that my soul insensitivity to pain, and my thoughts are less comprehensive.
Addendum: job went well today. I am at least so euphoric.
negative, however, is still the uncertainty of the damned. I know that I know nothing, but all will, and trust me nothing.
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