as Usual
So, Entry No. 2
We'll see a little effort it will cost, but if I'm in schreibfluß am, then it's actually even fun to write here.
Zunächsteinemal I wonder how I do in the future the subject line-select, because I fear there will come a thousand more days like today, because this day was average in every respect. So, how do we start. Today, a task for the Prof done, I actually found seltstverständlich ... No, I even feel dassi ch was negligent, and the task would have to do much earlier. Well, nothing more, despite the total thanked Prof at me ... I found strange, but flattered a little bit.
The bad news is that the contact with a colleague to whom I would like to build a friendship is something worse. He answers not always in Skype is offline suddenly, etc. ... I think he comes with my way not realize that I put a lot of questions and like to discuss. Well, is just so, perhaps I deceive myself also. Then
made after work sport. Was quite nice. Well have to be at least a guilty conscience lazy. A few pretty girls are attending, and I have actually changed one or the other word with them. I am still a bit uptight and have a feeling towards women I talk nonsense. Well, what the heck ....
Well, and so we're already back with my problem child theme: relationships. Actually I had planned to make final today. But there is probably nothing. Normally you should be happy but to make an end, because then the freedom in mind. Hmm, I got more scared and hurt her. The joke is too. Today I only have phone contact with her, and as I see them of course not, which means that my complicated in terms, "My girlfriend must be pretty" not come to bear. Anyway, I find it strange ... In photos, she always looks quite good, but in reality I suppose it always was as ugly. No, still does not change my decision ISHC that the relationship has no future. I just do not know what has to happen until it happens. I think it will happen, if it is present in reality. And still, when the pressure is unbearable for me, for example, on a walk where I see many other beautiful women ...
Just to come back to the topic of "aching-Can '... Yesterday I was chatting. There was also a girl of whom were all the other annoying, and have left the chat room easily. I could not do it just like that. I have talked with her until I am almost came out unscathed from the affair. can
I mean, I could have just failed ... I will never again have contact with her, I would insult you can, can insult, etc. Funny. Actually, yes I wanted
something written about schools of fish, and also changes on the relationship to the child-adult metaphor, which are very similar, but I believe that I in the face of the length of the text, which I have already written today.
Ok, rating for the day.
luck: 3
rating: 4
confidence: 3
freedom: 4
self-realization: 6 (sports content)
I fear the scores are always commute in this category 3/4-er. Since we do for the sport once again grappling. The resultant testosterone boost is awesome :-)
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