Oh, how I am ashamed. It is ever since I've written here once again what. I do not even know why this happens to me again and again. Finally, I love to read again in retrospect what we did once so great and everything come up. Why I always make here to write something, but something prevented it but then again and again. Corrosive. . But well, I do better and I try a start to tell ^ ^
Conmäßig was like - to expect - a lot going on in recent months. And we have done a lot.
listed chronologically We have participated in:
- Pokemonday in Hamburg (Sebastian and there have made his sister and a Hidantypen and his girlfriend, who looks like a very spooky about laugroße Lynn Was it anzuschauen.xD..)
- Connichi (oh, what is here for great stories to gibt.xD)
- Chisaii # 31 - with a connection to the visit to Sarah's birthday (Both are very awesome command dance in the rain and Burimyu Dancing. in the late evening hours rulen.xD)
-. Hatscho # 5 (I'll forgive Mitsu the drag image of Kira never> _ \u0026lt;But the Hatscho itself was, of course, cool as ever;. D)
- AniMaco 2010 was (visit was in Aki Börlin cool, sometimes you Nerdreich to sehen.xD The Maco itself was cool too - with Kiku. and Makie and our Seigaku Game Fail and our ShuKira (/ Louis) Shoot and stuff. Oh, and I want the glitter balls. \u0026lt;3 The performances of ToS to FF Crisis Core and Daijobu with Inu Yasha were great, although the the latter much better. ^ ^ But I still do not grasp that we were Akis dad / brother picked up and taken, and for only 15 € Spritt jeder.x_x But the weekend I like to repeat again. ^ ^)
- Nähsession with Kuchiki-sama (Lau and I the home of Kathleen's grandparents to the new Ouranmansion have designated. It's really great. And it's incredibly fun to Kathleen to nähen.x3 And if we ever Jassi the local Hueceo .. Mundo should show, we'll never get away again and this is a self sicher.xD me feel like climbing has packed; D bottom line is the weekend that I urgently need your own sewing machine ^ ^)
- Chisaii. # 32 (First night at the Chi to our 1-year-old. ^ ^ Was funny part / servant of the Kuchiki family to sein.x3 What else do I remember only because we made the disco uncertain and then have suspended all the time until morning with Bunta, her friend and Atogay and Buri / Teni haben.xD So everything is awesome;. D Even though I've really missed to cosplay with Hasi. I just do what if we do not hang together. No idea if only I'm so clingy)
-. Hatscho # 6 - with a connection to Lynn's birthday (Ouran Back Alright.x3 How cool was when angels walking around the city and its people to whisper to hear how great they are angels to be seen. Hach, at any time. \u0026lt;3 Unfortunately we had to go early to be on time for Lynn, but regardless, it has worthwhile. It was nice to see Lynn again. Their new apartment is nice too. Only that we had to much too quickly away from the cathedral. After all, there were chocolate fruit for me ^ ^)
-. Kathleen's birthday in the pool and in the evening with her (Oh, the water slide .* _ * Ahem, that notice, we can, a birthday in the pool is full of awesome. Thanks for the great idea, Kathy. \u0026lt;3 And the evening was with her great, too. But we can just dance and party people go wrong at all. As evidenced by the whole video .* snicker *)
- Christmas of us girls (So an evening can only be perfect. Christmas carols sing along loudly to Mitsu welcome (and enjoy the neighbors, as we now know xD) and then you can eat delicious are topped only by the great gifts we have received. From Hasi I took that the Mangableachkalender - which only has to come xD -, Mitsu has made us all awesome cookies on our charas * _ * and Lau and Jassi have created photo albums that have managed to cry that 4 of 5 had to. And one rate, Kira-Obermann was männlich.xD But those are really great, I will always keep mine in honor \u0026lt;3)
-. New Year's Eve with a visit from Kiku and Makie ~ (New Year was also cool. We have five are visited by Kiku, Makie and Danieru, eat together and all enjoyed the fireworks then in Hamburg. The ground was muddy indeed disgusting, but the Inui-Juice with After Eight to kick in it , s then it has probably ripped out somehow - or so.xD)
- followed weekend with Kiku and Makie (I do not know how it happened, but Makie and I had often only be viewed and have 10 Minunten laughed continuously, and did not know just why. Sometimes it went to Jassi, but not yet immer.xD was great about this weekend, including the successful Play Ball Inui with glasses, also with Makie, we have converted but after three minutes in the styling of my Kira wig. Just had priority. Thanks, Kiku. \u0026lt;3 [Even though this hair paste-resistant beast already falling apart. A wonderful time she already looked pretty good.] And I remember that the food was always delicious. (Thanks to the cooks.) And aww, the bleach-cake, and the Kiku have baked Makie was also great. Much more of this weekend I do not remember. Except that it was funny with Kiku and Makie and that our wig party was cool. I'm in a bit of Sakura verliebt.xD
When we two were subsequently adopted at the station, which was a little sad, we are with Jassi and Lau have gone to McD and have since our exchange Butler vereinbart.xD exchange of women-related only Cielo-Sebastian and Transhi -Claudo. Geddit? Herrlich.xD
addition, this wonderful event with Kiku and Makie has led to something further. Just enjoy it. It develops out of it if you want to wake someone who is at Moriyama. [It's the person says he would have married Tuti. And mentions that he has taken his name. Herrlich.xD]
on most other weekends, we have yet to meet us girls - various occasions, but I could not think of that has not been totally fun and great was ^ ^
Sometimes. If we had this company as of Mama (Taperla), Kawa, Patrick, Stephen, or Katherine and Sarah. Drinking a cocktail in the large group also Mami (= Michael) and Arthur were there. So yes, we maintain our social Kontakte.xD
say about the individual events will more or I can not. For most I have no memories of it still to report in detail to. Gomen. ^ ^ °
to Connichi I remember but still a little more a giggle .* *
We have slept so well known in our hotel and are almost on track in the afternoon arrived in our respective Cos on the Nichi. All well and good. We therefore look for something, go shopping, we look at the evening Cosplayauftritte - which of course could not take most of my taste, but that's nothing new. All day we have from time to time kept on the lookout for arch-enemy, but without success. What has us a bit frustrated. We wanted them but Seigaku rub it and stuff. But we thought That we still have Saturday and Sunday, so we decided it would rather take the last train rather than to miss it. Since we still had some time, and I even have extra Hasi again gone one round across the landing, because we knew that they would be on that day at about 11 clock always there, ahem. But again, nothing. So we have joined us again to the other and talk. But then! ... Then suddenly the world stood still. (It should here like to Revolverhedl singen.xD) from the right came a Hueco Mundo-group to meet us. We saw them. Then they saw us. We looked away again, and only now and again furtively out. They are looking to grow. Then away again and went a few steps further. Until they saw us again, and leave. It was felt about another 5 minutes, until she finally walked towards the main entrance. We are four of them hurried after an uncomplicated and jaaa. Ore the infamous "Fushu ~" came to Hasi gerichtet.xD Lau Jassi have then took pictures, we prefer quickly separated from them again, because our train arrived. But Hasis and my DANCE Gesing and (of course, "somebody's going down ~", ie their Hymne.xD) to McD was as epic as the moment itself, the whole weekend we had no other Topic and each time we went through a sense of victory ... sigh, it was wonderful. I enjoy it even now wieder.xD
As we expected, we also view it on Saturday and Sunday and can even meet. Sunday they have made to our ceiling space nick .* * And they have eaten our bread croissant double nick .* * But they are destined to live grateful sein.xD long Saturday, we can observe them only from afar but with absolute certainty they too have noticed again. Yoshi. Our Nichiziel is reached worden.xD
also the fact that we spent not a single cent for any Merchendise haben.xD Only we have turned our wheel as usual. And wahaha, I have a Psyduck key ring. \u0026lt;3
the meetings would not further big mention. The meeting was cool as PoT Academyleutens to visit, because we are not even noticed the colors. And the Sunday Pot-Con meeting was one of the greatest experiences I ever had. But to both, and to that of the Bleach images say more than I could tell. From that point on. The Bleachtreffen on Saturday was actually pretty lame, except for our special shooting as Academy. And it was great to meet Yuki and Iba-san. On Kekskira and their like (completed by species / species) Syndicate - The Shinsos - I could have done without comforted, but the rest was quite good, actually. The highlight of the Bleachis was probably the accidental dining in large group. Alone Iba-san "Hisagi, Kira! Drink their cocktails as such? "Was epic. Herrlich.xD
Hm .. what else. Sky, my memory has gaps. I can think of only one highlight. By Saturday, I know, to the Cosplayauftritte and are still coming in and nothing more. And on Sundays we were always only at the postern. Well, maybe it's not my memory, but simply the fact that we did nothing on Saturday haben.xD What has also made memorable in any case, was dancing and dancing with the command Kawa on the forecourt. It was ... divine, I can not help sagen.xD I definitely want to have this year again. Otherwise, just missing something. This should be definitely a tradition! X3
Sop, and that's it basically. From the Nichi 2010, we can really take many great memories to take home, and even to many great new contacts. I mean, Kiku and Makie, Gilli and Smirli, Yuki and Iba-san's missing, we can not learn as much as we have done in the meantime. This is definitely cool.
And we have gained the knowledge that we should always Sunday PoT cosplay and because it could happen always, that we, as this year, we still do not have time umzuziehen.xD
Sooo, I think that I end, here are the event reports. ^ ^
There are finally much else to report on the need.
my current status as Anime
Jenny and I have found a new anime that we addictions at the moment something. Or rather, I do not know if addiction is the right word, but we have 78 episodes from Saturday to Monday, 5 OVAs and a further 23 episodes geschaut.xD
View products said it is Anime Kyo Kara Mao! us and it is not surprising that we Sakurai again like the least of the leading roles. Sakurai actually sounds really sweet and great, in principle like a kieksender Kira, and Yuri is also a nice guy, who sometimes brings us laugh, but his constant "I want to" - and other problems annoying really. Hardly a Chara has got us between timed to aggro. Yuri was just really something to get his head and put his stupidity / naivety. Just as a tip from me. But yes, it is not just Yuri. like to see other charas we usually your ass off. I mean a round of screaming Inoue has been really what sich.xD And it's official, we probably never will know Morikawa. He can Namikawa and Takashi Hiroki shake the hand (who manage to sound the same way, inexplicably ... * shake head *). Most of all we love but Wolfi (= Günter2, tungsten). He's always pissed off so beautifully, it is a dream. And as he picked-over again on the engagement and disengage when Yuri is talking to other people. I get back into Schwärmen.xD Yosaku (= not günter) and Murata we do at some point this To marry that they are smart. Weller-kyo (= Konrad, but remember that we never before, therefore: Gay) it is actually too, but we have to find goofy on principle alone. You see on his nickname. Apt characterization might never sein.xD
hath also screamed in our hearts (original) Günter, but also the love Gwendalu (= Gwaiden, Gwendi, Gwen Stefani, Günter # 3) has his very own place deserves, as Shori (Kirifuda, lolz) and the awesome Lady of the anime world, Jennifer. * Beam * I most love but probably Bobu, violins Huber Brischella (= Hyubu), Liesel / Pochi and Gisela. I mean these names are simply not to toppen.xD But Dan Hiri is very beautiful. Help, my Fangirlness starts again .* cough * So yes, we like the anime .* g *
Also lately I've started and looked much, but I'm me so great this at Mexx list made. Therefore, I can save me now take this position yet. ^ ^
is the only anime I really still flashed Kuragehime . It is easy ... sigh, I find no words for it. It's girly, yet cool and different. It is colorful, funny, Saiga Mitsuki, Hito and Suwabe are there and sigh, lets hope it's just toll.xD The second season does not wait forever on, as I suspect they will unfortunately have to wait, because the manga does not else behind. But well, until then one can follow the manga and excited warten.x3
Starry Sky and Beelzebub are currently quite interesting for me. But to those I can not say quite as much because I only know so few episodes. But Bakuman me at the moment and fully drawn into its spell. It's just cool to see emerge once a manga from manga-term. And the characters are in my opinion, worked out so well and put the icing on the i also soon come Suwabe before, I mean, what can go wrong yet? xD Funny, I also think that I have said from the beginning that I am of the drawings of the Inner-Manga, if you want to call it that, reminds of Death Note. And what is it? It's from the creators. Awesome. And it's great to be consequences and I watch it constantly radiate a Luffy, Naruto, Ichigo and Goku meet, to name a few. It's just a good mood to watch the anime. ^ ^
And while we're talking about anime, I can start now that we will probably love Bleachmacher müssen.xD
The ShuKira-Fangirlness not end with such many Fillerfolgen. \u0026lt;3 And as Kira as a jealous wife turns out to several times ... and Matsumoto ankreischt hach, glorious. \u0026lt;3
I'm looking forward to the soon upcoming determined Mammutfiller. For sure there will happen again and at ShuKira be their best. Hach, I can not wait .= 3
And while I have with hearts only to throw around and begin anyway already seiyuu, I can immediately tell of our times Miyano -obsession. This man is absolutely not normal. He is absolutely powerful against us. We love him even now already an eternity, and with him we honor a few more of his kind, I'm just Konitan , Sakurai or Subwabe , For example, Miyano but really is not normal.
Recently we have even looked at his sync list, and sky that is full much shorter than we had suspected. Perhaps a third of Konitans. We still know the half of his roles, and there is not a role in which we do not like him. The man is like Konitan and manages the contrary, to save us all anime. A good example: Uraboku. I mean, hello, how awesome must be a man? And equally stupid to be easy again with the mentioned werden.xD
Currently, I invite me again down a two-Seiyuuevents, where he guest. I 'm looking forward to it to watch it with Hasi.
^ ^ And where we have been talking about him, I must describe Hasis times and my favorite hobby.
Imagine a large stage, light shows all fat, fat beats dedicated in the background and about 40 people, all male nature of their performance. Among others, those singing in the choir. How, then, creates a single line of Santander Miyano it that one hears him clear, but if we all have equal mics? This man is gifted. And has made us the hobby, to watch him and Tenimyu herauszuhören.xD
Hach yes, Miyano, you can only love. I will later Ouran-24 look again. . It just has to be \u0026lt;3
But while we're at Tenimyu are: we have indeed been to about 15 to watch musicals and jaaa. Meanwhile, we like the second cast extremely happy. If one were to replace people selected from the third cast with those from the second, you could really call it a perfect cast. You should listen to us and really machen.xD
The third and fourth cast was only partially pull our love up. There seems to have become a rule to be that we Kaidohse and Momose always good finden.xD
But Yu ... hach, with grimaces-Tezzie a true love story began to Tezuka. I mean, Helga, grimaces, and Relic Hunter Tezzie can not be a coincidence, right? XD Where Yu is still my favorite. But Eiji really catching up. I mean, we also call him by his first name already. And he's awesome. Not because he seems to be Boytoy Kimes, but because he is the best, most serious faces of the world has on it. That is already extraordinary, if sometimes he smiles. * Laughs *
And of course, and remains one of my Kime Alltimefavourites. It just makes me happy as soon as I think of him .* g * But the other Spacken are not schlecht.xD
Off I inexplicably - as if - but especially the value-added Mr. Aiba crept into our hearts. Kuji is genuine love and cool. And this is particularly great, he can sing. [Rather a rarity among Japanese musical performers .* cough *]
And now even the increase of Toll. The first five members of the new Burimyu -Cast have been confirmed. Kiku and yes I have previously made detailed proposals for appointments (Kazuki we had occupied for anyone, but I do not remember exactly whom .* * g). In any case, Miki will remain Rukia - which I find a bit silly, Hitsugaya Ibu Shinji and Byakuya are # 2 and Kintaro, Ichigo is a Newby and - just as I've had said: Kuji plays Abarai. Kyah, so if it is the way I imagine it, then I am very happy with this selection. Said ... even if he messes it I'm happy, at least it will still give back the day and find Kuji, I will happily sein.xD I bet that Aiba also still be given a role. If not, he will dance around in the baking day. Or equal to a role of Kubo Leave lassen.xD And I would imagine that some of the old people come to visit Miki times. Or the three gentlemen of Teni. After all know many of them they auch.xD Hach, I'm looking forward. Could it not be already in spring 2012, then we get to see the Myu ~. Well, I try to exercise patience \u0026lt;3
What we noticed last week once again interesting. We are monitored. We have often thought, but it may simply no longer be random. First we have
asked if Nao Eiki and may still, and if Nao Kime and still like it. What happened the next day? Nao posts a picture of them dreien.xD first chance.
Recently we have seen what a bum Takashi is optically at the moment. He shaves not properly and simply has lost its natural beauty - just like his smile that really distinguishes him Sun Since we noticed that he has ever reported anything of Tuti. What could only mean that they have filed for divorce. We liked it literally tore the heart of Naga to see so desperately. Without exaggeration, we have almost lost faith in love. I mean, anyone can separate, but not Tuti and Naga. We were so far so make bold assumptions like this: "If the split, then Kira says in the next chapter how much he loves gin and misses in his bed. "(* choke *) And whoosh, what happened? The next day, posting a picture of Naga, to bright, clean and beautiful, and beside him the values Mr. Tuti husband. (Thank you for saving Kira, Takashi. And Kubo and in yourself, because otherwise we would certainly have to beat you. Tuti we again guilty, so we do not pick up the action with him . xD) Second chance.
Thursday evening Jenny and I have discussed the fact that Mitsu has been forever we no longer ask whether we now do with her in the Nichi a Cosplayauftritt. And what is it? Friday we meet with her and she speaks to us on this very subject. Third chance.
So who still believes that we are ready to hear or see in the future? XD
Sop. And with these words I hear once auf.xD
I have the whole day with every now and then everything stood term breaks here written on it and now I have enough for now. What accounts for me, I can simply write to the next entry ^ ^
still a last message to me. I have to think about what I Smirli for a birthday möchte.x3 I'm curious what they will pay me. So awesome how our tastes are similar in many respects it can only cool. I can not wait.
Oh yes: I have to get rid of it yet. I looove
Kato. Wow, my flash is back there, just because I once again reingeluschert. And I sure willl
cosplay Belial and / or Cain. I have so much mood to the clothes, and - in Belial - the make-up. Hach, I can not wait. \u0026lt;3
See ya.
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