♥ Good evening, my friends. * May I give a bow *
you something to drink and biscuits to offer?
flap still okay, right? ^ ^
I prepare for my killer butler role, because ... IN 5 DAYS IS THE Connichi!
♥ * cough *
My heart is like saying just very satisfied with joy, as one can read. ^ ^
And today is what I - believe it or not, that this should happen again - something was waiting, entered and therefore, the Con still better than not ^ _ ^
Me and Jenny stuck already in preparatory work for. , r's weekend, which means nothing other than that we have ever completed the list of what we have to pack everything, so now I have even started, and thus a bit what is in the case; I a few other things done that I want made to the Con or do and all that just. I'm looking forward very least premature, and I am already in Confieber. ^ _ ^ What's
since the last entry everything happened?
The Con-cards are daaaaa! And Laura has got her card even me, because it does happen on Monday on a school trip and we no longer see Friday ... * * Schniff
Ma! ...
I'm now up to Volume 10 Bleach also read and wrote out the awards. I can not decide if I should especially love hate Urahara, Keigo and Iggagu or ... are just so cool ^ ^
The next 5 are already here with me waiting and waiting to be read ^ ^
I also have some other says she recently read or are currently on my bedside table -.. okay , there are only does Bleach and Pita Ten. ^ ^ Read
I Mistress Fortune - the Pink Manga (with Kenichi Suzumura in the male lead) that I've ever done to me - Sex = Love ² - which I think was very perverted and sick, anyway - and also once again a Shonen-Ai-title, namely the game of cat and mouse, I even found pretty cool. Plays a little bit different, what with Shonen-Ai yes does not happen so often ... Just today I finished
the first three volumes of Aishiteruze Baby. Is full of cute and also really funny in between. I'd even read yet again. I must go to Jenny asking if she does not want to read it. ^ ^
And ... I was angry! Kashi and I had actually said that we wanted to start with D.Gray-man until after the Con ... For good reasons, money, and so ... and what happened? My evil half, the first 5 volumes simply ordered and hey presto, no sooner was Bleach and what else until everything had to be read because I had it in hand and already the same as good as through. Crap! Konitan, Komui Li also called, is there soooo cool. And did Allen Walker is cute and Rabi and Rhode and Ticky Mick and the Millennium Earl is just awesome. ^ ^
The volumes now Jenny and let's see what they as this.
said ^ ^ And I lieeebee again Death Note. Hach, L, kun Lighto, Ryuku ... all before President! ♥
Did I mention that I love Kubo Tite? Or also called Starrk? But his name. Lilly Cute Ginger Coyote Starrk or back are great and he megabadass forces and Hache, who looks good and yes, I'm a fangirl ^ ^
Now I want to know if it really was Urahara who attacked him has! Looked after in any case .... Let's be excited. * * Rumhops
What Holic / Tsubasa As I sit too full on hot coals. Arg, this is such a common Cliff everything right now, but I fear that my fears are true. But patience! When I was
yesterday at Hasi we have again a lot great stuff done.
were first shop we have a few things for next weekend and our adv adventure. All of our married man I have of course paid ^ ^
our project. We have subsequently recovered Naru! Yay us! And we love, love, love Takashi Kondo, also called Suigetsu and take it even necessarily 'Gay in buying and ahhh, and then came again before Dei and we are in love with his KATSU. I want to die like that. * Melt *
Yes, the manga is currently bored to death, but at least the anime currently has rekindled a bit of charm. Soon the need to come Ji-chan and after that with Italy and ... the other. And Kisa and Suigetsu are well at least just before and that's what I'm looking forward now.
^ ^ Did I mention that I love Kisa, Suigetsus and Ji-chan's Seiyuus especially now? I want to hear more .... But Ishikawa and Sugiyama
to shut up! As all know, I love both, but sound in Naru even the shit! I just love the emotion in his voice!
I miss Oro .... * * Heul
But I liiiiiiiibe Okiayu! For two reasons. A) in D.Gray-man, he speaks Wenhamm River and is great and b) as Shigure he is soooo geil ♥
In search of what we were looking for Naru, we have again purely sniffed in Furuba and yes, just in love again. Also in Seki, if we do not just hate again. ^ ^
Then we decided to start D.Gray-man Anime Fair, and also what can I say? I love Konitan and Okiayu, the others are not bad either. Still, I like the manga I think better.
^ ^ Now I'm curious how Kenichi sounds as Rabi. . The man - both - I love ^ ^
the night on the Saturday, Jenny and I phoned 6 hours and it was defeated again in a word, awesome. I love it. ^ ^
Of all the things we have talked, we came at some point in our ... well, just talk to psychoanalysis. As we
yes times are now, we have designed plans, including what he is concerned.
Since it would be too confusing if I tell it all, let me talk just a graphic.
I hope you can see it, because there are only a hand-written version of my now established bound book is in my head, into which I will devote every possible reinkritzeln, which at some point in 2 years be interesting again Kö , JH.
So, here it is:
The digital version is also still do not know just exactly when I design.
And what you say or you better, Hasi? If everything? ^ ^
My mom gave me my first Christmas present today ordered way. ^ ^
A super, super cool looking leather-bound special version of Beedle the Bard. Since I am looking forward very on it. ^ ^
It is the English version, the German has also bought my mom yet.
^ ^ That looks really cool and is traded on the network from 120 to about 400 €, therefore it is times may be worth a lot. My mom has not spent by 40 € for it. ^ ^
Well, now I remember nothing more of a what I could write, so all was said ...^^
My week is interesting. Monday I have to take care of the rest of my to-do list, Tuesday I work, Wednesday I'll go with Jenny to the salon and Thursday is the showdown with jaws, etc., for Friday and Saturday. Yay ♥ ♥ ♥
Oh, Sputtelupdate..
Yasumoto Hiroki is now my Ehesputtel Yusa and it is my Sputtel become ^ ^
the way I'm getting married in 6 months, Budi and Jenny Nile. It is a great Lady Gamer Wedding. ^ ^
We are of course far from being selfish, so have all others get their heart leaves. So I
: Budi
Jenny: Nils
Lau: Misha
Jassi: Mi-chan Nathan
: Gerrit
Sarah: wrestling man
Lynn Eddy: their manga, the gift of our two cats Holger Wolfgang and her falls the task to all maid of honor and bridesmaid at the same time. ^ ^
be any case, I believe that was the assignment. Hasi? Help me try.
^ ^ Well then, good sleep times.
See ya.
Love, Gladys.
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