yet again the postman awoke me at 7:35 a.m. if I did get an amazon-package everyday he could be my very personal human alarm-clock. but alas I don't have to get up that early, which is why I tend to greet mr. postman wearing nothing but my quickly whipped on dressing gown and a bleary-eyed expression... poor lad, but he doesn't seem to mind that. how can he be so cheerful that early in the morning anyway?
on to the book. (I orderd more than one but for some strange reason they split up the package so that I got one today and will get the next one (four books) tomorrow, so my guess is I'll be woken again at 7:35, I could also get up at 7:00 a.m. and surprise him with being fully awake and maybe even some smell of freshly brewed coffee... but the way I know myself and my love for sleeping I probably won't do that...)
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