have launched a night without sleep behind me ...
think I constantly about it, which of my many sites is my true self. I never come to a decision, because I do not know. Most likely, my true self from a mixture of all these pages, however different they may be. Some hate me and others I love ...
How should I expect as can that others know me and understand where I am but from one to the other moment completely different characteristics of the day put ... How will they know when they are against whom?
As if I would wear the mask and mask every time I air the one that comes to the fore the next ... Is my true self buried so deep ... Each of these pages is to balance a part of me and so I dare not, what is real and which one I created, illusion ...
Am I encountered so often rejected, that I even began to refuse ... At the moment I get a lot of affection brought against, or at least the person for whom I hold them. However, I want this affection not because I want to find the way back to me, because I've lost me and it is the heaviest loss I've suffered, it is now clear to me. Return to top. Once again I will have to tread the path of self-discovery, which I was previously a few years of my living cost ... Only remain the question of whether the years I again have time, or if my end is closer than it seems. Probably it would be very helpful to have a person who is an emotional matter, but still operates on the same intellectual level, so that you can exchange information without having to fear that they say something hurtful ... Many people seem to think too stupid to, or as though they feared something to recognize what frightens them. Many do not recognize themselves, because they are afraid the person that viewed from that point on the mirror, not liking to, even contemptuous. But I would rather see a person whom I can despise, than to meet a stranger stares at me.
I have to remember where the trail began my self-discovery and return back to the point ... Recently
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