Monday, March 19, 2007

Remove Mildew From Boat Seats


Overwhelm me again too many thoughts in a moment. Hardly more than a blink, I think the most established and others are left minutes, hours or even days ...
If it was in the distant past, sense of life to live, what is the point that now the present day? Although it may be already gone so far that many seek to end their dannach by his own hand and some accomplish this as well. They do have the sense of converging destroyed because they were looking after that and did not find him, where he was to be of obvious. Many strive for doubtful happiness, because they want more and never find satisfaction they seek ever new and greater in their eyes, better things. Blinded see for the blind by greed to what they have and what they might have. How happy it can make the simplest things that get neither money nor force can be brought out. For it is priceless to enjoy in this consumer society, even the small things in life to whom it represents in my eyes and my heart the greatest happiness of all. That feeling which softened my heart, when the first spring morning wakes each year. Gently awakened by the kiss of the young but already warm sun, which seems not only face but also in the heart froze. The birds squawk her songs and the sky is blue. Hardly leaves is the house you can see the first butterfly, which floats through the air. Certainly his life will not last long, but he knows only by a life full of color and warmth. Not prevent tormented by questions and thoughts, which it of flies. In those days felt like the very ease to himself and passes both the heart and inspires the mind can give one the strength and friends that we met and dark hours and days. Or the beauty of a
, shimmering in the sun, rain drops on a cherry blossom. There is such a range of wonderful things and beings that are simply üersehen. No one takes more time to those to look at and enjoy the simplicity. In society, it seems
high to be considered to act as busy and wasting for nothing and no one even a second of precious time. But what use is it if you do not even have the time to know and love yourself and learn to identify their needs and desires. It makes you unhappy and both physically and mentally ill. At what price should we endure this torment? In order to carry clothes, which are provided with slight name? To have the latest hi-tech gadgetry, where the old but often serve their purpose better than new ones? To live in a big house, its maintenance even more Zeit in anspruch nimmt, so dass einem selbst in dem eigenen Heim keine Ruhe bleibt? Sollte man sich nicht vorher fragen, was man wirklich braucht um glücklich zu sein, bevor man einfach davon ausgeht, dass Geld glücklich macht und man möglichst viel von jenem erdrückenden Papier zu bekommen? Wahre Freiheit ist nicht zu kaufen, denn je mehr man besitzt, desto mehr kann man verlieren und wir reden uns ein an all dem zu hängen und werden dadurch sehr belastet. Nur wer nichts hat kann nichts verlieren. Aber nur weil man nichts hat, heißt es nicht, dass man nicht glücklich sein kann. Denn das wahre Glück liegt in jedem einzelnen von uns vergraben, wir mussen nur dannach suchen und nicht aufgeben...